MovieChat Forums > Monster Trucks (2017) Discussion > I can't understand why this is doing bad...

I can't understand why this is doing badly at the box office

The movie delivers exactly what you would expect but is much more entertaining than expected. It is a very fun movie without being too kiddy either so teems or young adults can enjoy. This was one of the best movies I have seen in a while and so nice to see a new original idea not from a book/video game/old tv show/old movie or comic. I vant understand why it is not doing better, is it because of the release date you think ?


I think it looks poor. Actually I think it looks so bad it's good, but I know a lot of people thought it looked terrible. It is actually making more than I expected.


Well the movie critics who are middle aged brie cheese eating pompous snobs gave it very low score. Those people are too anal retentive to just relax and have some fun.

I thought it was cute and sweet.


I brought my cousins along to this movie (9 and 11) and they seemed kinda bored of it. This movie was meh at best really.

"Think of it. 90% of the population united against a common enemy. We'll be unstoppable!"


nice to see a new original idea not from a book/video game/old tv show/old movie or comic

That's always nice, but it's gotta be something that people are willing to spend money to see. Speaking for myself, this was something that... I didn't want to see.

I saved my money for Split and Passengers. And last summer's The Nice Guys- which is a baffling box office failure, IMHO.

Why do they give out letter jackets to marching band? It's not a sport! We all know it!


Original crap is still crap.

When a suitcase just won't do.


Maybe these middle aged brie cheese eating pompous snobs should take a child with them when viewing it. Sometimes the critics can't put themselves into a child's frame of thinking. I think the rating may have affected attendance. I enjoyed it.
