MovieChat Forums > Monster Trucks (2017) Discussion > Worlds biggest box office bomb on our ha...

Worlds biggest box office bomb on our hands?

$125 million dollar budget, $115 million writedown in September. RT expects a worldwide gross of $20 million. Do we have history in the making? Mars Needs Moms made $38 million on $150 million, only 26% of its budget. $20 million on $125 million is barely 17%, making it even more so of a bomb than Mars Needs Moms. I might actually go see this, just to say I saw the biggest financial failure in the history of cinema, as should you.


I think the movie Delgo is going to go down as the biggest box office bomb ever. But this movie is most likely to be a box office bomb as well. If the movie would've gotten high ratings from Critics, it could've probably saved this movie from being a total disaster.

With that said, I give it credit for "original" idea, something people been pissing at Hollywood for the longest time. Too bad it looks like a *beep* movie (and it probably is). My nephew wants to see it.


Critics should be shut out of films like this.It is not fair for a jaded adult to review a film meant for kids to have a great time. Major problem with critics is that the film HUGO was sold to the public as a film for children. Well, I took an eight and eleven year old and we all hated it,BORED TO DEATH.


I would not have wanted to see this as a child.

Of course, in my case, I was already watching "Star Trek", "Doctor Who", and the earliest seasons of National Geographic and Nova before I was 8. (Translation: most children are idiots. Adults should stop listening to them.)



On second thought, at least the movie makers get to claim this movie was #1 for something.

"We lost the most money EVER in a movie! Woo-hoo!"



January is the dumping ground for bad movies that studios don't care about so it could very well be a tax write-off--err...."bomb" for the movie studio.


I think the biggest bomb might still be Oogieloves, that had a 20 million budget but only made 1.1 million, making it earn around 5% of it's budget. Or, to be petty, we could go with Jem. That had a 5 million budget, was a recognizable brand name that should've sold on nostalgia alone, but sucked so hard it made 2.3 million. Yeah, half their budget back, but with a budget that small they should've been able to pull it off... hell, Kazaam made 5 million opening weekend, when Kazaam out performs you there is a problem going on.

There is still a slim chance of this movie making money based purely on it being a bad movie people watch out of curiosity on DVD. Plus it has only been out for about 3 days so it has half a shot. After all it's already made 25 million in 3 days so that's a solid 20% already. It won't do great, I'd say it might just barely beat out Mars needs Moms if it's really lucky, but it's not gonna be the biggest failure.


This movie has officially fared far worse that the Bye Bye Man.

Now that's some impressive flopping.


While I expected this to suck big time, in that way that might be hysterical, it was actually a good film. Of course it is pretty mainstream, but it touches the right nerves, has some action, comedy, suspense, and doesn't pull as many punches as most movies nowadays, and does NOT pander to kids, while giving them something they would love. Yes it totally plays the feel bad for the poor creatures card, but so did E.T. and a million movies after. This was way better than most Hollywood fare I have seen this past year, I can tell you that, and this movie was not made for someone like me. I hope somehow this has a life past the theater, on DVD or on demand. If I had a kid I would let them watch this before much of the children's fare out there. This should have had a G rating to bring in more kids.


I agree, it was a good film. I thought word of mouth would increase it's ratings. It's a cute film and the kids loved it.


Take out what money was lost, and total box office, Heaven's Gate is the most consequential movie bomb in Hollywood history.

Why do they give out letter jackets to marching band? It's not a sport! We all know it!
