No fun allowed

Already seeing a lot of hate against this movie. God forbid anyone makes something original.


No it's just it looks bad. It may be a fun movie but it can still be a god awful movie. I couldn't even finish watching the trailer on Facebook because it was so bad.


This movie looks bad and feels more like a TV movie that would be put on Nickelodeon in the afternoon on a Saturday.


The movie looks good & fun to me. Although what movie these days don't have people immediately dislike them but it's fine. After all different people with different tastes.

(Family Guy)There is no Peter, only Zool.


Agreed, the idea is silly but I couldnt help but smile troughout the whole trailer

I gotta tell'ya, I saw it coming


I really hope it's a hit. It feels like the type of movie I would have secretly loved as a kid. And I agree with you completely. Anybody complaining about Ghostbusters being remade, 9 billion sequels, prequels, reboots and remakes and all that should NOT be complaining about this movie.

It's an original concept with a budget higher than two dollars. This movie should be praised merely for having been made.


Totally agree. Looks fun and original, hopefully it will at least be a modest hit.


God forbid anyone makes something original.

The trailer makes it look like a pretty point for point ripoff of ET. But with trucks.


I think it looks like harmless fun


The trailer makes it look as if it is as much fun as a funeral.
And I love how some morons say a film that rips off as many films as this seems to..."ET" and "Transformers" in somehow "Original".


It's not trying to be an original piece of filmmaking. It's meant to be a fun b movie like sharknado.


Original also does not automatically equal 'good', as some people believe.

Any idea must be backed up by a solid script and performances, otherwise, might as well have just ripped something off and played it cheap!

We've seen enough flimsy 'original' movies this past year disappear without even a whisper, along with a number of middling-to-awful reboots and remakes.

But it is also disappointing that some very GOOD original films made by smaller companies couldn't get off the ground. I cannot praise "Kubo and the Two Strings" enough. Shame on audiences for dumping so much money into "MY MOM'S NAME WAS MARTHA TOOOOOOOOO!!!" while ignoring a beautifully told and animated and unique fairy tale (at least unique to US audiences) such that it couldn't even make its money back.


You gave me a funny thought. What if all the villains in the Batman Affleck universe learned about the Martha thing, so if Batman is beating them down or something they just say Martha, and they get away?

Batfleck beats criminal
Criminal: I was just taking some groceries to Martha.
Batfleck stops
Batfleck: Martha? How do you know that name?
Criminal: Martha is my mom. She is elderly, so I pick up groceries for her.
Batfleck: That is also my mom's name. You're free to go.


That scene was an odd mix of eye-rolling, face-palming, and laughing out loud at how completely preposterous it was. It's the kind of thing satire mocks about cheesy melodrama in soap operas and bad comic storytelling.

And there it was on the big screen, being played totally straight. It was both absolutely awful and gut-bustingly hilarious. It gave me an enema.


Original also does not automatically equal 'good', as some people believe.

True, but unfortunately, "Remake" and "Reimagined" too often equal 'BAD," these days. An original made for kids movie may be a stepping stone, at least, to more original grown up movie attempts

That's what we need - ridiculous odds, and just a speck of hope that someday, we'll beat it


Actually, this would only be true if the movie had been even average.

It didn't even manage that. It's terrible. And it's a financial disaster.

Add to this the failure of the spectacular "Kubo and the Two Strings"... the message is clear to studio execs: keep feeding the brain dead audiences the same slop. A million repetitive "Star Wars" movies and endless sequels of "Transformers" and "Jurassic Cosmos" (dinosaurs in SPAAAAAAAAAAACE!!! You know it's gonna happen...), because that's all the plebeians can comprehend.


I'm not defending the movie as being a masterpiece, but it's for the most part competently made. At worst it's an average movie, but for all its faults there's a fair bit of fun to be had.

What I find weird is that everyone is saying it is such a dumb idea while at the same time going to see a film with wizards and laser swords (star wars) and men jumping around and fighting crime in leotards (super hero movies). I really don't understand why everyone is having a go at this film. It's not a film aimed for adult men who like action films (like Angry Joe) so of course they won't like it.

My Monster Trucks Review


I thought it was a GOOD film with some funny moments. It probably is more of a family film, but I enjoyed it. Lucas Till is a likeable character, and so good looking. I liked his acting as well as his looks!


I liked the idea and thought it was a really fun movie !! MIt was nice to see a bit of originality in a movie for a change rather than episode 20 of a continuing series of similar films or a rewrite of an older film !
