Wades last words?

Wades last words sounded like there you go. If I'm correct why did he say that?


Yep, that's what I heard too. I think he was hoping Seamus would kill him. Wade turned into the hunting dogs he was describing in the story and needed to be put down.


Great, so he died! Thanks for the spoiler.


Yea! And the fact that his brother in law was finally standing up for his self!


Not in the previous three years? He kills the person who took care of his problem? If Seamus really wanted Wade to leave things alone, he should have at least taken a shot at explaining. Maybe that wouldn't have been sufficient, but take a shot. It would have been better than leaving him seething in the dark.

Wade might have been talking about himself when he told the story about the dogs, but he was taking too much blame on himself. Wade came home from the war and, as he said, he was looking for a little peace. Instead everyone is acting crazy and no one wants to explain. Of course it took a stressful toll on him.

No one in McCluskey's house was worth saving. I'm sorry anyone was. Seamus' crocodile tears meant nothing to me.
