Philip *spoilers*

Is he just a self-centered jerk, or is he a sociopath? I really am on the fence about it. He fits the stereotype perfectly and the writer even threw the term in there when he refers to the other author as a sociopath. He is extremely insecure, yet acts like he can do anything. He treats other people like garbage unless he can gain something from them. He even pursues the French teacher because she was unattainable. He is a brilliant character, yet I wonder if he is in fact a psycho.


Thanks for responding!


That is a good question, but I couldn't care less for the character. I just sat in front of the screen for a while, staring at it as if it were some sort of a task, and then finally stopped watching it.


I think he is emotionally sociopathic. And obviously has some narcissistic personality disorder. To say the least. Even if I don't think he'd ever kill anyone (save for himself) he's one frightening individual.
