MovieChat Forums > Advantageous (2015) Discussion > Best Sci-Fi movie of 2015

Best Sci-Fi movie of 2015

This even even better than Ex Machina (which is really just an overbloated film-school student type exhibition)

This movie has it where it matters. Context. Scope. Emotions. Just amazingly well told cinema.


I agree with this so much. Much better than Ex Machina which was just style.


No, I not agree.

Ex Machina is so so better.



IMO the main and original idea is: The momories are the consciousness or the consciousness are more than the memories...?

But this very interesting point is only in the last movie part and so short and bad develop.

Then the movie is in fact "the mother fight to give her daughter a better future".
In this case was not necessary all the future stuff.

For me it was so dissaponting.

Hablo mejor español :)


But this very interesting point is only in the last movie part and so short and bad develop.

Because the science fiction is not the point of the movie.

But the best science fiction is about humanity. And this movie portrays that beautifully.

Any disappointment you have is your own fault because you were expecting it to be something it is not.


But..this drama is not in the future.. this drama is nowaday... and very common.

Why the director/writer use so sophisticated plot to show a common drama ?
Is it not a bad trick to the audience ??

Hablo mejor español :)


I think you misunderstand what sci-fi is about.


If you're right, I've lived my whole life in the wrong way.
I am sci-fi fan since my childhood.

Everything is possible my dear friend, even in the real life.

Hablo mejor español :)


It's a powerful thing to show that that "common drama" exists today, but it's a more powerful message to show that that "common drama" not only still exists, but will become much, much worse in the future if nothing changes.

Regardless, you missed that it's not that "common drama" you're thinking of. Gwen Koh's company put a red flag on her resume to make it hard for her to find a new job. They manipulated her into asking the company to do the procedure on her so that she can get her job back.


I loved it but found it depressing.


Yes! Ex Machina was more polished but didn't have half the heart of this one, nor the compelling characters and acting.


Shallow feminist crap.


Shallow? I wouldn't ever think that a movie like this could seem shallow. It gives a lot to ponder about. Crap? This is quite fine indie. Movies like this however, needs persons with empathy to be understood and to resonate.


Haven't seen Ex Machina yet (sorry!) but Advantageous is not just great, but one of the best films I have ever seen. Best SF of the year, certainly I can say without seeing all SF from 2015.

Not sure why I am so dump to think that since a lot of people HATE it. This little post-Ebert Sundance summary thought it was going to be on late night SyFy rerun, for what reason I cannot imagine: And many discussions here just hate it. I guess too subtle and realistic (I hardly ever scream at people, jump onto moving subway cars, get in gunfights with robots, etc) for most to notice what it was doing.
