
Excellent presentation of an excellent theory. However, it would have added weight to the argument had they pointed out that the executor of Vermeer's estate, and obviously close friend, was Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, who developed the first practical microscope and is considered the Father of Microbiology. He knew a lot about lenses and mirrors. Second, while Tim Jenison was able to faithfully copy a Vermeer, something no one else has ever been able to do, the repeated references to photography or photorealism are wrong. Vermeer has been called the Grandfather of Impressionism -- look at his paintings and you do not see photorealism. The floor tiles look like marble but the dark lines are squiggles, the street he paints in The Little Street are likewise squiggles. He creates images that are more realistic than photorealism for they look MORE like the real thing, and nobody understands why that is. His genius, if he was using the technique suggested, was that he did NOT paint exactly what his lenses/mirrors saw, and this film would have been greatly strengthened if they had explored this aspect.


I might add that they should have shown Tim's version more clearly and not just a quick glimpse. Tho a fair copy, when you see it next to the real thing it's pretty soulless--painting in just one layer of paint, without the underpainting that Vermeer did, is not going to get you anything like the original. The notion that "anyone can paint a Vermeer" is pure Penn & Teller showmanship.


They never said "anyone can paint a Vermeer".

The objective was to discover if they could product his TECHNIQUE in a very measurable way. At many times they say they are not trying to discount his genius and skill, only trying to figure out some of what he did.


wow, you people have mental deficiencies.


back under your rock troll


It's an objective copy. Any discrepancy is the "style" or the way the artist holds the brush or who the *beep* knows. The point is anyone with a lens can create a Vermeer. Ya, Tim's version is souless. Again, stupidity. Look, Vermeer used mirrors and lenses. So what? Who cares. He's genius for coming up with the idea.


2jdv, you make excellent points. I also wish these facts would have made it into the movie. Thanks for posting!
