MovieChat Forums > Rosemary's Baby (2014) Discussion > Questions After Seeing Rosemary's Baby

Questions After Seeing Rosemary's Baby

1. Roman and Margo were witches that sacrificed newborn babies of women who
had stayed at La Chimere to keep them young, correct?

2. Rosemary was different than the other women that had stayed at La Chimere
because she was "chosen" by Satan to have her baby, correct?

3. What was the personal possession Roman took from the police commissioner
to kill him? It wasn't the lighter was it? Did the commissioner even smoke?


1. No, the other women killed themselves due to the pregnancy complications.

2. Rosemary was "chosen" because she was strong enough to make it to giving birth.

3. Can't answer; I missed that part.



No, OP is talking about the dead women with the missing hearts. There was one that the priest had talked about witnessing Satan tearing out and eating her heart in an alley one night. The detective said this had happened to eight other women (missing hearts) in the past 30 years alone. Those women's hearts were indeed to keep them young.


What you saw was NOT Rosemary's Baby. You saw something that was TITLED Rosemary's Baby. If you actually want to see it, watch the movie (and do yourself a favor and read the novel).


3. It was a golden zippo-like lighter, but its pocketing was too obvious and conspicuous and couldn't have been missed by an experienced police officer. Weak part.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.
