Guy's love for Rosemary

So... when did that just happen to vanish?

Obviously ANY man who would do such a thing to his wife had no positive feelings for her whatsoever (added to the fact that he basically admitted that he had no more feelings for her). Do you think he had feelings for their friend, Julie? It was unveiled that they slept together sometime in the past. Or do you think he stopped loving her after the first miscarriage?

He was, undoubtedly the most heartless character on the series (I think Patrick J. Adams portrayed Guy perfectly, and was the best actor of them all). He was the most evil one for letting Roman and Margot have their way with his wife, and for pretending to be on Rosemary's side. The fact that he's the number one person she should've been able to trust, made his betrayal the worst! Why Guy? Why?! Lol... must've been the need for success.


I thought Guy in the first one made a whole lot more sense. Both 'Guys' were driven career wise, but John Cassavette's Guy was a douche from the very beginning. Rosemary being naive and not married that long (and it being the 60's) could not see it yet. His love was not much more than skin deep.



I thought Guy in the first one made a whole lot more sense. Both 'Guys' were driven career wise, but John Cassavette's Guy was a douche from the very beginning.

Agreed. I almost felt that Patrick J. Adams was playing 2 totally different characters between the first and second parts of the mini-series. There was just no commonality or transition whatsoever of his Guy first being a loving husband to then being a self-absorbed slimeball, and I'm not sure which is to blame: the writing or the acting.


Agreed, as well. Guy in the first half is completely different from the second half. Even in the Devil-Rosemary sex scene, he has tears in his eyes and seems genuinely distraught over what's happening to her. The original Guy was just worried she was still awake. You get the impression he made this deal somewhat suddenly and now is forced to deal with paying the price. He seems conflicted and unsure which made him seem more realistic to me.

Then in the second half, he is suddenly cold and calculating. No remorse, no effort to even pretend things are normal. It's almost as if the second half was written and directly by completely different people. Disappointing.


Guy loved Rosemary. His ego due to his failed career git the better of him though. So he agreed to give in to their deal to give Rosemary and himself a better life but ended up disgusted with her when he saw her have sex with the devil. What a jerk right?!? He also did not care about not keeping the baby because it wasn't his anyway.

It shows how low a person would go to get out of a life of hardship and poverty.
