MovieChat Forums > Rosemary's Baby (2014) Discussion > It Was Good, Just A Few Short Rushed Sce...

It Was Good, Just A Few Short Rushed Scenes...

I enjoyed it. I like the original and I thought this was a good rendition. I really enjoyed that there were some gruesome scenes put in. I was actually surprised they made it in. However, my only major complaint is that there were a couple of scenes that were rushed. I will have to put them in spoiler.

1. When Rosemary finds the witchcraft book they should have had more scenes of her getting lost in the book, like obsessing over it. Like they could have shown scenes of her staying up late at night or sneaking out of bed to read it. This is important because we need to see her put two and two together to figure out what is going on as well as build up the paranoia within her. The way it was portrayed in the movie is that we don't see this development. We just see her find it and skim through some pages and then all of a sudden she knows everything in the book. I found that odd.

2. The ending. Sorry, but why didn't they reshoot that? That was terrible. There was no slow transition for Rosemary to accept the baby. It was crazily fast. She went from having knife in hand ready to stab the baby into breastfeedig it within a minute or so. That happened way to fast. Where is the subtle transition that was handled so well as in the original film?

3. Finally, I wanted the baby to be more demonic. So you have a baby with blue eyes. Big deal. Most babies have blue eyes. Why not have a cat eyed baby or a baby with demonic features? I thought that was kind of lame.

All in all, it was a good adaption. It would have been great had they corrected those flaws I pointed out prior to airing.


I agree. I didn't like the same scenes as you and I also thought the ending was especially rushed. Someone else posted they thought the second half was not nearly as good as the first and I agree.

I did like that the baby was normal other than the eyes, but I think the eyes should have been creepier. I think they glow for a second, but they should have made that more pronounced, more demonic. (Especially when the couple is walking by in the end, that would have been way creepy!)

I was also a little confused by the end. In the original, it's clear that Rosemary will care for the child but is not happy with the situation. You don't get the impression she will join them or will ever forgive Guy. In this version, you're not so sure. At least I wasn't. Her demeanor seems more comfortable with it all. Maybe that's just me, or maybe it was intended to be that way, but if so, that seemed rushed, as well.


I was also a little confused by the end. In the original, it's clear that Rosemary will care for the child but is not happy with the situation. You don't get the impression she will join them or will ever forgive Guy. In this version, you're not so sure. At least I wasn't. Her demeanor seems more comfortable with it all. Maybe that's just me, or maybe it was intended to be that way, but if so, that seemed rushed, as well.

It was a peculiar way to play it, made it seem like Rosemary's mind might have thoroughly jumped the rails, like the original miscarriage and the traumas during this pregnancy caused a type of mental break and she's now in this delusional mental space, "happy" with her perfect child.

"You can tell a lot about a person from reading his biography."


Yes these scenes were rushed and not well directed but the worst scene was when the Police Officer were driving with his car with this annoying music in the background. Jesus this scene was so purely done, it was even embarrassing.


In total agreement with all of the comments. Part 2 very weak.


Here is a thought that occurred to me and I wonder if anyone else noticed this. At some point I think when she wanted to leave and she was trying to get Guy to go with her she takes off the amulet from around her neck and the camera focuses on it for a brief second. Now we know that when they get a possession of someone's they can make bad things happen to them. Well what if they could also control people and put people in a delusional state. I agree Rosemary goes from holding the knife and being freaked out to just loving the baby. Its funny that she drops the knife right after Margot says something about you already do love him. And I thought Rosemary looked a little spacey when she picked him up to nurse him and was smiling down at him. I wonder if maybe her mind is not clear because the cult could have done something to her by taking the amulet. Yes they could have taken any object of hers but the amulet was significant just like the cross was to Rosemary's friend when they took it and used it to kill her.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


Did they ever explain what the purpose of the amulet was?


It's hard to tell whether the way she acted was intentional or just a rushed version of the original. Most of her actions are replicas of the original, but done in a very different way. Is it a twist on the story or bad acting and directing- hard to know?

They could have put her in a trance, but I would think they would use something of hers from long ago, not something they gave her, but you could be right. The amulet seemed to have more significance in this version and the witches or cult or whatever certainly seemed to have more power. In the original, they could put people in comas or make them blind, but they couldn't control them to the extent they did in this version.

Or perhaps she did just snap as PandorahSpocks suggested. Which, if so, is kind of a bummer because I felt like the original Rosemary was such a strong person.
