It's 'whom'.

Not that I had planned to watch, but hearing the lead actress say 'By who?' instead of 'By whom?' annoyed me enough to seal the deal.

BOHICA America!


This surprises you?


It depends on whether or not she was referring to the object or subject of the sentence.

And who cares if you watch.


And who cares if you watch

You should have said "And whom cares..."


LOL This was the first thing I said right after she said that line :P


I was annoyed when she said something like: 'We're definately pushing the envelope with the underworld blah, blah, blah' and I though to myself, 'Honey, you're starring in a remake of a very famous late 60s film, so how are you pushing the envelope?' Everything she's playing has been played before by Mia Farrow.


Anyone with half an education has to cringe every time some scumbag actor opens his mouth and displays his ignorance.

LMAO! That was funny!


Saldana is a zero, who for some reason, Hollywood keeps on pushing ... she's not much of an actress and she is certainly NOT beautiful. She's not even pretty, let alone beautiful.


Maximus Decimus Meridius


You can't expect much from the almost entirely illiterate Hollywood crowd. Most of those morons couldn't even diagram a sentence, much less tell the difference between a subject and an object.

And the writers are certainly no better. Anyone with half an education has to cringe every time some scumbag actor opens his mouth and displays his ignorance.


Charming. Why don't you go live somewhere with a bunch of perfect, English speaking robots!


Charming. Why don't you go live somewhere with a bunch of perfect, English speaking robots!

Oooh... Where can I find them???


Almost as irritating as when actors deliver lines by writers who don't know when to use "I" vs. "me".

"You can tell a lot about a person from reading his biography."


Not that I had planned to watch, but hearing the lead actress say 'By who?' instead of 'By whom?' annoyed me enough to seal the deal.

And her husband was an English Literature professor!? He should have jumped in to correct her!


Good point!
