MovieChat Forums > Rosemary's Baby (2014) Discussion > Nothing from 'Son of Rosemary'

Nothing from 'Son of Rosemary'

The movie plays out pretty much like the original and ends in the similar fashion. Surprising, because this version credits both Rosemary books as the source. I was hoping it would at least show her waking up from her coma and meeting her son 30 years later.... We help! Disability, law and inspiration


I was trying to figure out the significance of the final scene, when the couple passes by, sees the baby and says, "He's beautiful" and stare just a little too long, seemingly transfixed by him. All I could think was that this was a hint that he would grow up to be the popular cult leader that Andy was in Son of Rosemary.

Not much, I know, but...


Is that the one with Patty Duke?



The Patty Duke one is the 1976 sequel, "Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby". "Son of Rosemary" is the 1997 book sequel by Ira Levin.

I too was disappointed they didn't use material from the book sequel. It might have still been bad but at least it would have been something different.

Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair.


And if I'm not mistaken, they changed the ending in "Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby" from the one in 'Son of Rosemary'. Not sure if it makes that movie better, as I haven't seen it.


"Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby" had an entirely different plot from Son of Rosemary--the two really had nothing to do with each other, apart from claiming to be sequels to "Rosemary Baby." Oh---that, plus the fact that they were both awful.


I couldn't believe Ira Levin wrote "Son of Rosemary"--it was awful. And I did not see one thing in the movie that was based on that book.
