Seemed pro-Wiccan

I know Wicca is more accepted today than it was in the 60s, but this film seemed very pro-wiccan to me despite the black magic used in it. The baby was called "Perfect" in the end too.


There was nothing related to Wicca in this or the original. "Wicca" isn't a synonym for "witchcraft" (of which there are various types).

What's depicted in the film borrows from the notion of historical stereotypical "satanic witchcraft".

"You can tell a lot about a person from reading his biography."


Yeah, but Wiccans are often referred to as witches.


One doesn't have anything to do with the other. Medieval superstitions are about as relevant to Wicca as the Bewitched tv series or Harry Potter.

"You can tell a lot about a person from reading his biography."


Yes, but magic is a key component with the Wiccan path, am I wrong? If not, then witchcraft is just another name for magic. I do believe however, that black magic is not part of traditional Wicca. The darker side of magic has nothing to do with it.


Yes, but magic is a key component with the Wiccan path, am I wrong? If not, then witchcraft is just another name for magic. I do believe however, that black magic is not part of traditional Wicca. The darker side of magic has nothing to do with it.

There are types of magic and being a magical practitioner does not automatically mean the person is a witch. A ceremonial magician, for example, is not a witch.

There are also different types of witchcraft, so being a witchcraft practitioner does not automatically mean the person is a Wicca. A Bruja, for example, is not a Wiccan.

"You can tell a lot about a person from reading his biography."


A Bruja, for example, is not a Wiccan

Bruja is nothing more than the Spanish word for a female witch. And in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries where this Wicca silliness has some 'practitioners' they call themselves brujas/brujos.


Bruja is nothing more than the Spanish word for a female witch

Correction: it's a Spanish word for which the English approximation is "witch". There are various forms of Craft, Brujeria is distinct from British, Celtic or other forms of witchcraft as they re to it.

The fact that you have no idea what Wicca is makes your opinion of it being "silly" less than relevant and, frankly, laughable. Of course you're entitled to it, but it's certainly not factual or correct.

"You can tell a lot about a person from reading his biography."


Do you speak Spanish? I don't think that you do. If you did then we wouldn't be having this discussion..

Simply put: Bruejería means witchcraft in general, not a specific kind of witchcraft. And a bruja is a woman who practices any kind of brujería.

You will find the word bruja in the Bible (la Bruja de Endor, for example), in Greek mythology (Circe and Medea are known as brujas). In children's stories and fairy tales, such as those authored by the Brothers Grimm. In a historical context, the witch hunts of medieval times is called "la caza de brujas". Same goes for the brujas de Salem.. Heck even characters from the Harry Potter books, such Bellatrix, are called a brujas...

And in modern times, Spanish Wiccans call themselves brujas. It would be pretty arrogant of you, an English speaker, to tell them, Spanish speakers, that they're using a Spanish word in a Spanish context incorrectly, don't you think?

The fact that I do know what Wicca is, and how and when it originated, is precisely why I think it's silly. But as religions go is better than many. Especially fundamentalist Christianity and Islam.


I am Wiccan. Well, eclectic now, but one of my paths was Wiccan and still am. Yes, we practice witchcraft. Yes, we are called witches. There is nothing wrong with that. Yes, it is much different then what is depicted on TV.

Yes, the pentagram is used as the Wiccan symbol, each point being an element, with the northern point being the Spirit. Yes, as with Christianity, Satanism takes those symbols and flips them around.

I also have Satanic friends. They are not evil. They are actually good-hearted and caring people. Satanism is a rebel movement against organized religion. I always kind of poked fun at them, saying that if they were true Satanics they would topple Satan if he appeared before them and demanded to be worshiped because Satanism is about serving the self.

This is why I enjoy being eclectic. For me it is the true religion and I even take in atheist philosophies such as Objectivism. Because we all need to love and serve others, but we also need to love and serve ourselves. And many different religions are facets to a very similar belief system.

Joseph Campbell's (the influence to George Lucas's Star Wars) The Power of Myth illustrates that very well.


Not really. It seemed no more pro wiccan or satanic witchcraft than the original. Not sure where you get the idea that it was "more pro".

BTW I agree with the other poster that satanic witch craft is not anywhere close to Wiccan practices and/or beliefs.

The latter is about being in harmony with nature - it has nothing to do with attainment of financial rewards, or causing harm.

The closest I come to a comparison is saying if this movie was about those evangelicals who dance with snakes and someone saying the movie is making a statement on Mormoms because, well - you know, they are both Christian religions...


This story has nothing to do with Wicca
