Bad idea

VERY bad idea


a POLITICALLY correct version of Rosemary's Baby??? No, I won't watch it.


My thoughts exactly. NBC continues to lose credibility. Great book, great movie, don't "fix."



What the hell is "politically correct" about it? In other words, you're saying it's wrong for a black actress to play the part, but white actors/actresses can play any and everybody else on the planet whenever they feel like it---that's basically what you're saying! Why the hell does casting a black actor/actress have to be a "politically correct" thing any damn way? Hell, they just cast a name actress for the series, but according to you and all these other racist idiots who probably never even saw the original movie, that's just so wrong because a white actress isn't playing that white role! White people play 99% of damn near everything on movies and TV, but that still ain't enough for you crazy MFS! Y'all just can NOT stand to NOT be the center of attention in any damn thing---it's ALWAYS got to be about you,dosen't it?

The casting directors picked who they picked---if you want to see a show starring another white chick, go look at the other damn TV channels, take your pick, an shut the hell up then. I'll be watching Rosemary's Baby to see someone who looks like ME for a change starring in it.


What the hell is "politically correct" about it? In other words, you're saying it's wrong for a black actress to play the part, but white actors/actresses can play any and everybody else on the planet whenever they feel like it---that's basically what you're saying! Why the hell does casting a black actor/actress have to be a "politically correct" thing any damn way? Hell, they just cast a name actress for the series, but according to you and all these other racist idiots who probably never even saw the original movie, that's just so wrong because a white actress isn't playing that white role! White people play 99% of damn near everything on movies and TV, but that still ain't enough for you crazy MFS! Y'all just can NOT stand to NOT be the center of attention in any damn thing---it's ALWAYS got to be about you,dosen't it?

The casting directors picked who they picked---if you want to see a show starring another white chick, go look at the other damn TV channels, take your pick, an shut the hell up then. I'll be watching Rosemary's Baby to see someone who looks like ME for a change starring in it.

I'm 100% for the title character being played by a black woman. Inter-racial marriages are commonplace these days. What's the big deal? Anything that offends racists is "politically correct"?

I also think the whole thing will be a lot of fun. From what I understand, it's only a miniseries, so it's not like they have to stretch the fairly simple idea out for multiple seasons. Definitely looking forward to it.


White people play 99% of damn near everything on movies and TV




I'm not trying to jump on the hate bandwagon, so please don't misunderstand me, but why couldn't they have made the husband and wife the same race (Zoe is Puerto Rican/Dominican)? She and her hubby would both be light-skinned enough that if the baby came out looking normal (which we know it won't) she wouldn't know that it was a demon baby. Am I making any sense, I am really sleepy? LOL

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate..." -Marvin Gaye


if the baby came out looking normal (which we know it won't) she wouldn't know that it was a demon baby.

Normal? Because of being light-skinned?

Am I making any sense, I am really sleepy? LOL back to sleep! :-)


I meant normal as in a normal baby so she wouldn't know that she was raped by a demon. With both parents being the same race the baby would look like them. I know what I am trying to say but I am having a hard time expressing it for some reason (I don't normally have this problem). I just don't understand why the family has to be interracial. I wouldn't care what race they were just so long as hubby and wife were the same making it less PC and less controversial. This movie/book is controversial enough without that added drama. I am tired of PC being pushed in my face and down my throat every single day. LOL I dunno....

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate..." -Marvin Gaye


Oh, dear. Anytime you have to preface a comment with, "I'm not racist, BUT...." it's a fair bet that what follows will, in fact, be racist.

In your case, the addition of "I am tired of PC being pushed in my face and down my throat every single day. LOL I dunno...." concretes my assumption.

If you are uncomfortable with "PC" things...GOOD. Social change is difficult and not without internal struggle for some.

Your views are at odds with your peace-loving Marvin Gaye signature.


PC is just pure propanda BS in my personal opinion. I am all for everyone, no matter who, being able to have equal rights and to do and say as they please (without committing crimes of course), but I am tired of everything, from music to television to books to magazines being PC. Why can't something just be normal for a change. I don't like having to apologize to everyone for everything. I should be able to say that someone wears glasses versus saying that they are "visually impaired." I like to see actors and actresses of the same race looking good together and getting the same amount of screen time as white people.

BTW, my signature indicates that I don't agree with wars or the concept of war. I do believe that only love can conquer hate, and in this instance I am not hating on anyone. I am a white woman who has a problem with always having to pair anyone of the opposite race with a white person. one understands me....but then again 30 years old is considered ancient nowadays, so maybe I should just take my ancient views and boogie on elsewhere.

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate..." -Marvin Gaye


What I don't understand is why this is considered to be a "PC" decision? Why can't it be that they casted two actors that worked well together and looked great together. Maybe this was, um, "normal"...
Oh, and I'm 50...


What makes you think the child won't look like them because they're an interracial couple? Biological children tend to resemble their parents in a myriad of combinations.

Whether the Woodhouses were the same ethnicity or mixed has absolutely no bearing on the story itself, it would play out the same either way.

And if you think showing an interracial couple is "PC" then you need to start looking around you, it's becoming more common than ever before. Time for you to enter the 21st century, mixed marriages are not a new phenomenon and hardly "PC".

"You can tell a lot about a person from reading his biography."


Zoe can pass for Black (if she wanted to, that is), so...yeah, if the husband and wife were Black (same race), it could still work. I'm not sure what ethnic skin complexion has to do with a baby "looking normal".
Did you see the original Rosemary's Baby?
Ethnicity wouldn't have made any difference.
The baby was a child of satan.


Yes I did see the original and they never showed the baby. We all assumed (if you hadn't read the book) that the baby was hideously deformed and looked like the baby from "It's Alive" or something. What if he actually looked normal? Then he would look like the parents. Having Zoe be light and the daddy be white means the baby, more than likely, will look predominantly white if it looks like a normal baby in the end. Why do that? Why not just have the parents be of the same race? There are plenty of amazingly talented actors out there of all races, why not pick one of them. Or, if they were insistant upon mixed race, why not pick someone from any other race, why do they have to throw white people into everything to be PC? I don't think I am making my point very well, but I am doing my best given I don't know how to say what I mean without sounding racist.

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate..." -Marvin Gaye


Luckily, for you, White people are still the majority (economically, and *whaddayaknow*...even politically).
I just love how people think they can hide behind code language, when in reality, it only highlights how desperately they want to remain narrow-minded.


I really am not trying to be narrow minded, I just don't like it when a movie is made to push an agenda versus just to be entertaining. Zoe is gorgeous and I just think that they could have found a hispanic man to play her husband. There are so many hispanic male actors out there who are beautiful and sexy that they could have found. Black too if they are trying to pass her off as a light-skinned black woman instead of hispanic. I guess you could say that I am a little old-fashioned in that I would like to see the 2 main characters be of the same race instead of always throwing a white person in the mix. Lets showcase the talent of others too. I know that how I am wording this sounds really bad and makes me look like a racist, but I am not. I was raised to be color blind, to judge people based on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. I guess my problem is that white people have to be mixed with every race in movies nowadays to be politically correct and I don't like that. PC gets on my nerves. It stirs up people and takes away from the beauty of the story.

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate..." -Marvin Gaye


I don't think you're making a racist declaration. Actually, I'm disenchanted by Hollywood's insistance on rarely showing Black couples in a healthy romance. Its either: a Black man & White/ethnically-ambiguous woman, or a Black woman with a White man.
Nothing wrong with inter-racial relationships. I like women from all races.
My issue with Hollywood is that theres too much imbalance. It almost seems like they're afraid to show Black couples without the soul-crushing drama. The mid- late 1990s had quite a few films that showed healthy relationships between Black men and women. But then it stopped.


Thank you, that was what I was initially trying to say, but I couldn't seem to find the right words. I completely agree with you. :) With that being said, I have made myself look really foolish on this thread and I am going to stop before it gets worse. LOL. I am so much better at writing fiction than I am opinion.

"War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate..." -Marvin Gaye
