THEIR WAS scenes cut out for the tv version that will end up in the dvd version?



Shut up sweetdee - if you have nothing better to contribute to the post than to bitch about grammar than get lost!



Nope, pretty sure JussSayin knows the difference, as does many and probably even xstaticu. But when someone just wants a simple *beep* question answered, THEIR first thought isn't 'wait, let me make sure my question is essay approved for ass holes with no lives on IMDB.'



Lmfaoo you seriously have replied to everyone on here. Maybe I did reply b.c I have no life, but at least I'm backing someone up. I'd rather waste my life that way than being a kunt.




Lol I'm not sure if you're joking, serious, or just mental. I spelled it with a 'K' because IMDB doesn't allow people to curse on this website. I decided "beep" just wouldn't explain you right. I figured anyone with half a brain would get that.....



I knew the difference. If you're a frustrated teacher why don't you help kids or adults learn to read rather than wasting time posting rude comments.



OP, please pay the grammar police no mind. These people act as if typos are docking their pay and adversely affecting their personal lives SMH.

Yes, I feel there must be deleted scenes as well as cast interviews and hopefully bloopers on the DVD/Blu-Ray release (Incidentally enough, I contacted the NBC Universal Store and they claim no release information has been provided to them yet but Amazon has a sign up list that will alert subscribers when pre-order is available. I quite enjoyed this miniseries and will probably purchase it).





