Super annoying background music

The show content is great but the horrible heavy-metal garage band music is so annoying I had to turn it off. (Maybe it was just the Morgan episode... I hope.)


I'm currently struggling through the Caterham Seven episode in season two and I had to pause and come here to make a comment about that annoying music score too. I wouldn't have said the content was ever great but at least it's usually worth watching. Now the awful music is putting me right off the show.

Eeek!!! I'm getting dressed.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed the annoying background's usually louder than the narrator and is super distracting.


Does anybody happen to know what the music was for this episode?
I thought the hard rock was great and went along perfectly with cars. Perhaps you guys will enjoy the next special they do, How it's made : Doll Houses


I'd like to know what music this is too. I thought it was awesome.

How it's made: Doll Houses. Haha, perfect 😀!


Du you know 6.14 song, i like it too :D


You're right! The music is terrible and is much too loud. I can't bother to watch anymore.
