
I was kinda curious how many franchise owners ended up transitioning to the new American Tea & Spice Shop concept, so I went on Tea2Go's Facebook page and apparently they all stayed with Tea2Go except for the family whose shop got remodeled. A lot of the franchise owners were commenting about the situation. I don't know exactly what happened, but they certainly seem unhappy with Marcus and the show.

Does anyone know what happened?


i wish someone would open up a franchise near me.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.


Hard to say. I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff the tough guy threatened the franchisees or talked them out of leaving.

Then again we're talking about people stupid enough to buy a franchise from a guy who knows nothing about running a business who doesn't like tea.

Or perhaps Marcus didn't want the other franchisees. He has his own entity now since he no longer has a deal with Jeff.


Maybe the people who bought franchises just need a front to launder money. A business that takes in a lot of cash and has a high margin on their products is a great means to launder money.


Hard to say. I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff the tough guy threatened the franchisees or talked them out of leaving.

I would not be surprised in the least to hear if this was the case.

I was furious with him calling his son a mistake and being angry because his son called him by his first name and then threatening to put in on the ground.

The son really needs to cut off this dochebag Dad JEFF and go find someone else to mentor/advise him.

That JEFF is nothing but a steroid abuser / wannabe. I hope one day he comes across someone bigger and they do what he likes to threaten.

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


I've worked with individuals who are parent/child in a couple different jobs and in the one i'm currently working at and in each case the child always refers to the parent by their first name when meeting or speaking with a client or customer.

I've never heard them say "my mother" or "my father" to a client. When they refer to them within the office or when speaking directly to them, they do call them mom/dad.

But in a professional setting, i think it's very appropriate to use a first name. It just sounds more professional.

Also from the parent's perspective, they bring the child (who is more likely an adult at this point) into the business to learn the business and learn about dealing with clients. They want the child to be able to handle business deals on their own and grow as an individual in the business. I can't imagine that the child is going to have as much credibility with clients if they refer to their "mom" or their "dad."

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.


I was furious with him calling his son a mistake and being angry because his son called him by his first name and then threatening to put in on the ground.

My jaw literally dropped when I heard him say that. That was just the lowest of the low.

But in a professional setting, i think it's very appropriate to use a first name. It just sounds more professional.

I totally agree.


The franchisees could have a contract and Jeff wouldn't let them out of the contract now that he decided to keep Tea2Go. That could explain why no other stores have joined with Marcus.


Contracts could be negotiated out of.

Markus said himself, that if any other franchises wanted to leave, he would help them.

I'm pretty sure another way would be. That if you were a franchise owner and you weren't making any money. You'd liquidate your store. Have Marcus buy the assets for pennies on the dollar, then remodel the store and give it back to the franchise owner. Marcus seems like a good guy wanting to take care of people. So honestly, I can see that happening.

Looking at the new store of American Tea and Spice and then looking at Jeff Tea&Go. I would go with Marcus any day of the week. How people would stay, get zero support and then have a loss inducing business, oh and on top of that. Marcus just has to setup in the vicinity of Tea2go and he'll take business away. If a franchise was teetering on the edge, a Marcus store would make it go fully out of business. So in other words, I can't see how people would stay.

Honestly, I am more shocked by the events. As a business owner, you ask Marcus to come in. Marcus takes 70% equity, gives 50% of that to your supplier. Marcus rebrands and then you exit losing 1 of your franchises and then finally, Marcus along with your supplier is now a direct competitor. How on earth, did that happen? I was shocked!

Marcus was right actually, the supplier at any time could cut off supply to Tea&Go and then Jeff is out of business. Yep, I can see that he's making more money with Marcus and no point in continuing with Jeff.

Wow. Jeff. You are a complete idiot. I doubt he will be in business in 12 months time. I don't think he learned anything in that time.

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


What if Jeff wanted a million dollars to get out of the contract?


I'm not a US lawyer, but the liability can't be more than the value of the contract.


He probably would. But realise at that point. The franchisee would either let the place fall into bankruptcy or Jeff could save face and walk away with a few $$$. His choice. Thing is, he's dumb enough to want millions because it's money. Not knowing, he's actually liquidated his whole business. It's not worth anything!

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


I tried to look up the franchises and couldn't find info on how many changed. If they have to pay for the renovations, that's a lot to ask. But I had so many questions. How did this dumbass who doesn't seem to have graduated college get a loan? How could someone just think "Starbucks is big, I'll do that with tea" and that be the extent of the thought process? How did other people hear about franchise opportunities and sign on? Can't they ask for some data on what the current store makes or talk to other franchisees before spending all their savings?

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.



I tried to look up the franchises and couldn't find info on how many changed.

According to one of the franchise owners on Facebook, none of them changed except for the one we saw on the show.


But they all seemed so enthusiastic! Although I'd be interested in their reasoning. If it's the cost of doing that remodeling, then I could see that being a big hindrance. If it's jumping from one mediocre shipping to an unknown ship, maybe people are worried that an unknown brand is too big a risk even if they aren't doing great now. Or maybe Marcus made things sound much worse than they are and the franchisees are for the most part okay with things as is.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Tea2Go's response to the TV show we agreed to participate in:

Since there has been and apparently will continue to be many people making personal attacks on me as an individual and Tea2Go as a whole, myself and our franchisees felt it best to address the situation. While it is unfortunate that there were many misrepresentations in the show, it is just that a "show". Our stance is to leave it at that. We are a Christian based company that supports the communities we are apart of. We value each one of our customers every day and do our absolute best to make their visit a great experience. I can also assure you that we have great franchisees and staff members across the board at Tea2Go whom are all good and caring individuals. We are going to continue to do what we do best and that's bringing community support to every town we call home and a tasty product to drink! Myself and Tea2Go wishes nothing but future success to American Tea & Spice with their new concept and adventure, and furthermore would encourage you to visit the Coppell, TX location remodeled for the show.
The store owners are great people and would love the support.

To address what appears to be the big issue, and it's extremely disheartening as a father to see how my relationship was portrayed with my son. This is a company page and not a place to share my personal feelings and this will be the one and only time. I'm a strong Christian man who believes in family first and foremost. The power of edit and the need to create TV drama is certainly understandable but also unfortunate. I LOVE my son, always have and always will. I know with 100% certainty he knows that and he also knows that I want nothing but the absolute best for him and his future. I would die to save him an ounce of pain as any father should. Have I failed him at times' I most certainly have. I think we all fall short at times but how we respond is what defines us as individuals. What wasn't shown or said I've simply made the choice to not address or comment on.

While it is everyone's right to their opinion and that's why we all live in this great country, we only ask that you please remember this is a public page. Every one of our franchisees and myself value all the support that each of you have shown and continue to show us everyday. We can not continue to grow and change without your support and input.

God Bless!

Jeff Hunt, President Tea2Go



The show is edited but no one put the words he used in his mouth.


^^^^^^^^^^^ Ding ding ding ding ding!!! Exactly.

Everyone knows reality shows are edited, but they can only edit what you give them.


Here's a quick note to douchebag Jeff Hunt: If you didn't call your kid a mistake, then the show couldn't have "edited" it that way, am I right?



Shooting has started on my latest movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5531336/
