Ugh this show was awesome compared to all the other crap on syfy smfh


It's been a while since syfy had good shows like Warehouse13, Eureka and Alphas. Lately it's been shlock, too bad they cancelled the last interesting show.


Yeah, now all I will have left on that channel is Face Off... At least once Lost Girl ends... Whenever the second half of the final season airs.

Expanse looks utterly boring to me.

I wish at least they'd do a two hour wrapup movie for Dominion.


A 2 hour wrap up TV movie would be great!

Impossible is illogical.
Lack of evidence is not proof.
 +  = 



All I have is ZNation (it's campy but I like it) and if they put out any 'good' bad movies like Sharknado lol This sucks.

A 2 hour wrap up movie would be nice.
You can call me 'Mayor Chapstick.'


I hate to say it, but even knowing Lost Girl was ending two years ago and after a year long split in the final season, they still opted to end it with a time jump and semi-cliffhanger on a plot point that didn't even show up until the last half hour of the entire series.

Granted that isn't necessarily SyFy's fault but it's still a big middle finger to the audience when you know you're ending and decide to go out that way anyway.


LMAO. It sounds like the writers were trying to force the Canadian network into giving them another season. It obviously didn't work. Lol. The writers were idiots.


Why did you have mention ALPHAS????? I miss that show so much. It was innovative and interesting. They shouldn't have ending Alphas or Dominion on cliffhangers if they knew they weren't going to renew either show. I still held out hope for Dominion season 3, since they had said they weren't going to make a season 2, and yet we just watched it. Perhaps something like that will happen. <<fingers crossed>>


You forgot Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis.

SyFy turned *beep* when they changed their name to SyFy lol.


My feelings exactly. So disappointed.


The show has its moment but the season finale is so bad that SyFy has no choice but cancel it.
