MovieChat Forums > The Chase (2013) Discussion > Brooke- Will you Just Calm Down!

Brooke- Will you Just Calm Down!

The welfare of all the people has always been the alibi of tyrants. Albert Camus

I said this before so I know I'm repeating myself but this woman gets on my nerves so much! Can't she just shut up for a few seconds?? Her screaming and high fives to the contestants jangle my nerves. Where is Bob Barker when you need him?

I watch this show with the remote in hand so I can mute most of her shrieking commentary. So Brooke, be happy for the contestants when they get a right answer but don't carry on as if they have found a cure for AIDS.

When she yells "THANK G*D!!" I want to scream too. It's not necessary to use the Lord's name in that way just because someone got a stupid quiz question correct.


Brooke doesn't irritate me nearly as much as your inverted indistinct signature. I'll think of you the next time she asks a question about M. Camus.



Drake, I too am annoyed with pj's misplaced tag line. Some friendly advice: after reading it for the fourth time, I now watch for the user's name and don't bother reading ANY of the post.
