MovieChat Forums > Suffragette (2015) Discussion > Anti-Femiinists Don't Know History

Anti-Femiinists Don't Know History

Working women weren't allowed credit cards without their husbands approval until 1974. Single working women were routinely denied them.

Married women couldn't get any birth control because it was illegal. It became legal for married couples to use birth control in 1965.

Husbands were allowed to rape their wives with impunity until 1993.

Women weren't allowed to serve on juries in all states until 1973.

Women weren't allowed at Harvard until 1977. Yale and Princeton until 1969.

Men controlled the property within a marriage including what the women brought into it until the 1970s.


Try learning some history yourself before lecturing others on doing the same:

Progressives and male Feminists in a nutshell:


But they can spell 'feminist'.

Anyway, where did the stuff on your list happen? I imagine you mean just in America. The world's a little larger than that so that stuff doesn't apply to the planet, if it applied to the US anyway.

Free your mind and the rest will follow


They don't know the present either.

'Ne cherchez plus mon coeur, les bêtes l'ont mangé.' Baudelaire


Well said Keelai.

An aunt wanted to get her tubes tied in 1992 due to health problems. The hospital refused to do it unless her HUSBAND signed a release.

Apparently in a marriage in my state, a husband owns his wife's reproductive system and she can't change it without his permission. 

"Can you keep a secret? Can you know something and never speak of it again?"


Apparently in a marriage in my state, a husband owns his wife's reproductive system and she can't change it without his permission.

Or maybe your state values the role of the husband and father more than you do.

Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.


I don't think feminists know your own history that well.

Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.
