MovieChat Forums > The Amazing Race Canada (2013) Discussion > Were Natalie and Meaghan being hypocrite...

Were Natalie and Meaghan being hypocrites?

I am already on record as saying I want them to win. They have been the most consistent team this entire race and I believe that should be rewarded. That being said when they were going on about the Suhki and Jinder direction fake-out I couldn't help but roll my eyes. They were BFF's with Pierre & Michelle who they had to know intentionally lied to other teams. Based on what previous racers have said during the airport waiting times they all discuss what happened on previous legs so I have a hard time believing Nat & Meg didn't know about the twins deception. I guess since it didn't happen to them directly they weren't interested in the honor and integrity of the game then. In fact they rewarded them with an express pass.

I think Jinder was correct in that they were pissed that he and Sukhi outran a couple of Olympians which shocked me quite frankly.


They are being hypocrites, it only matters when dirty doings are aimed at them it seems.

I was shocked too, but it was funny as hell. Other posters will probably point out that Sukhi & Jinder only beat Meg & Nat in a foot race because of luck, lol.

My hopes for the win now that my 2nd favorites are gone are,

Meg & Nat
Suk & Jin
Pete & Mickey

Ryan & Rob (nice enough guys but don't deserve the win) I can look past being saved once by non-elimination rounds but not twice. They're the lucky team not Sukhi & Jinder.


Mark, get the hell out of my head! You pretty much said everything I've said at some point this season. Audrey & Alain(sp?) were also my 2nd favorite team and I was sad to see them go. I've also said to a friend that one non elimination is forgiveable but two is just not. I also agree with your order of the preference you'd like to see them place. And dear heavens I wish Ryan and Rob would just go away though I have te sneaking suspicion that another team is going to make a game ending mistake and they will somehow manage to sneak into the final 3. I don't care how nice they are, they are suck ass racers and I cannot root for ineptitude.


I've always heard...great minds think alike.

I have a bad feeling it'll be a rehash of last season when the Tim's won after being saved twice or was it three times? and Ryan & Rob will get lucky again.


Much as I dislike Suhki and Jinder and they've done some sleazy things in the past, there was nothing wrong with what they did this episode and Natalie and Meaghan were being babies.


Um, what exactly have Sukhi & Jinder done that was remotely "sleazy" I actually would really like to know because I cannot come up with anything and please don't say it was the uturn because that was strictly game. Rob & Ryan were being babies.

I understand people saying they were annoying but now I just feel like people who don't like them are just making things up. Sleazy? Really?


I thought that part was a bit stupid, I mean Nat and Meghan acted like they weren't tied for first place, and that Sukhi and Jinder gave them incorrect directions on purpose to a task or something. I mean it was SO obvious they were pointing in the other direction on purpose, I mean even if that WAS the way, I hardly think they'd be like "This way!?? This way!?!?!?" pointing their arms fully outstretched. Plus even if they did mislead them on purpose, it's a RACE! If the girls actually took their direction and went the wrong way, then that's their own fault for not finding it themselves and relying on another team.

I don't like when other teams ask for help or a tip where something is and they are purposely told they don't know, like Pierre and Michel telling teams to go the wrong way to the clue, but this is neck and neck for first place, give me a break! I didn't mind the girls up until this point when I kind of got turned off of them a bit.

"You mean the movie lied!?" - Freddy, Return of the Living Dead.
