
is so easy you just follow the GPSS. Surprised no one did that task


I know, right? My husband and I hoped at least one team would try it...


I guess none of them have heard about it. And the clues are vague so the other just sounded faster at the time. Does kinda suck when one task isn't chose. Oh well.


I'm guessing that a lot of people have never worked with a handheld GPS,and hadn't heard of geocaching, so it might have been intimidating.

One other aspect: we never get to see all of the clue, so I'm not sure if there was any indication of the geographic area covered by the caches. I mean, technically, geocaching could include a hike to Gaspe.

It would have be nice to see someone try it.

Apparently, dogs are wolves with Williams-Beuren Syndrome.


I'm from Gaspe. One of the most beautiful places in Canada.

Youve got a mustache. I mean, you have milk on your mustache. I mean, you have a milk mustache!
