Congrats (spoiler, obviously)

Well done to Mickey & Pete

I wanted Nat and Meg to win, but the boys ran a good, clean race and I'm happy for them.

Genie, you're free


yep, definitely a deserving team - i think that they lucked out on the first (rafting) challenge with one of the guys having been a river rafter guide and then lucked out again at the definbunker with the olympians miscalculating who should do that task leaving the rope work to the one (Spooner?) with the hurt hand.

that said, they rocked in the library challenge, and got the pictures as fast as anyone (and i suspect they did not keep stellar notes during the race :)

congrats to them - finally no longer the bridesmaids.

walk gently, leave a good impression


I thought the same about the raft at first. Then again, the hockey players got totally destroyed by the hockey challenge so you never know.


yeah there is a patter (see another post by me) that challenges in the field of a competitor often have the "ringer" flail and stumble.

not so true this time :)

walk gently, leave a good impression
