
I'm glad they won. I mean, I would have been good with any of the top 3 winning but I was pulling for the boys I admit. I don't feel too bad for the girls. Between the 7 legs and a second place finish, they're definitely coming away with a lot of stuff. But all 3 ran a great last leg. Ryan and Rob got a little screwed with that cab that got lost. Nat and Meg messed up the roadblock allocation and the hand became a liability, but she pushed through it admirably. They all made it to the final challenge with plenty of time to get it right. It was so close and anybody's race.

Speaking of the last challenge, I loved this one. It wasn't too hard, it was visual, very practical as opposed to being too abstract. They all had a chance with it. Sometimes the final challenge is just too hard, like the hello/goodbye thing from TAR a few years back, which just devolved into whoever's lucky enough to guess correctly wins. This wasn't like that at all.

Overall really happy with this season.


I'm really happy they won! Probably the nicest most genuine people in the race and they didn't play dirty either, they deserved the win!

I liked this season too, didn't watch last season because they didn't leave Canada which to me defeats the whole purpose of the show, but I don't understand why they kept returning to Canada this season...why couldn't they keep going around the world?


Air Canada is the main sponsor. All their flights are on Air Canada, which I assume would just travel between Canada and other countries, not between said countries.

As for defeating the purpose, I don't know, guess it depends what you want out of it. I like the challenges the most and it's still fun seeing different parts of Canada.


Agreed - there are loads of cool and interesting places in Canada to go. I watch "The Amazing Race Canada" to see Canada. I watch "The Amazing Race" to see the world. In fact I think they should have "The Amazing Race USA" to focus on destinations in the USA - it kind of gets short shift with often only the start and end of "The Amazing Race" being in the USA.

- Camp, portage and travel through Algonquin park?
- A season of travel to oddly named places (Buffalo Jump? Dildo?)

walk gently, leave a good impression


I do like the mix though. Still nice seeing Canadians in the foreign countries too.
