So weak

Where did they get all these weak teams who can't finish challenges?

It's bordering on pathetic.

Neil & Kristen especially. I wonder if Jesse cringes when he sees them flail around and cry every episode. Jesse could crush ARC all by himself.

Oh behold the warrior who does not respect his enemy - Sun Tzu


Jesse could crush ARC all by himself.

Agreed. 

If it were Neil and Jesse, I think they would just PLOW over EVERYONE. 

Joker's Wilde

Anyone here like the Human League?


Pathetic is the right word. Kristen especially was just embarrassing. Everybody survived the sand castles without crying like a baby except her.


Well apparently she had reason to considering it DID hurt her.


Well apparently she had reason to considering it DID hurt her.

Either she's a crybaby who sobs when she stubs her toe...or it was faux drama. Other women who were smaller than her managed to survive without needing a damned hospital visit.

I mean, she actually asked for crutches. CRUTCHES. For a calf cramp. Are you kidding me? Does TAR:C force racers to forego food and drink while they race? Does this crybaby have some kind of medical condition where she gets muscle cramps FROM LAYING DOWN? Absurd.

And another thing, that little hospital trip should have disqualified her pathetic, whiny self from TAR:C.


Laying down for hours in sand and cold water.

And no, there's no reason for the hospital visit to DQ them. You're being a far bigger baby than you say she was being.


That's the whole point.

I truly believe that the racers KNEW the leg was non-elimination. Thus, why race? Several teams were more then willing to take penalties knowing full well they wouldn't be eliminated.

And unlike ARUS - ARC teams MUST use Air Canada so no matter how far behind you get from 1st place all teams will be brought back together for the same flight to the next destination. No risk of falling so far behind you won't catch up.

Oh behold the warrior who does not respect his enemy - Sun Tzu


Nobody reacts the same. Try dealing with crippling cramps and get back to me.


If the cramps were of the female variety, she would absolutely get a pass. However, they weren't.


The part that made me lose respect for her was when she sat and whined for her dad to come sit with're in a race!! How pathetically needy. She's a grown woman acting like a crybaby damsel in distress, and I thought she looked so strong and capable.
