MovieChat Forums > The Amazing Race Canada (2013) Discussion > Sooooooo obvious it was non-elimination ...

Sooooooo obvious it was non-elimination leg

And all the teams knew it. For sure.

They were more than willing to take penalties and finish last.

Oh behold the warrior who does not respect his enemy - Sun Tzu


What a waste of a Double U-Turn. So disappointing.

Its understandable Spike is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well muscled



That episode was the worst. Everyone know it wasn't over and being in such a remote location no matter how far you fall behind they'll all be on the same flight out.

Very disappointing that teams were able to, more or less, give up and stay in the game.

Oh behold the warrior who does not respect his enemy - Sun Tzu


I HATED the way these 2 episodes were. I hate continuation legs in general because the last place team isn't punished with a task like in actual non-elim legs. But to them on top of that bunch them together again such that the previous leg basically never happened at all is just disgusting.

2 teams took 4 hour penalties and weren't punished at all! The only losers on the leg were the ones who wasted their U-turn abilities. So the last place teams with who didn't complete everything get off scott free while 2 other teams are punished.


Obviously not or teams wouldn't have burned their only U-turn use. The teams just got lucky. And yes, given the timing of things there was an increased chance but still.
