MovieChat Forums > Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist (2014) Discussion > As a feature length movie, this does not...

As a feature length movie, this does not work.

Everyone keeps saying how good this is and as a long time SF fan I can say that it's great as a mini series, but as a 2 hour plus feature, it just doesn't work. It's extremely drawn out with slow pacing and over half of the movie is nothing but training montages. Further more, it just abruptly ends before we even get to the big fight between Goken and Akuma. You cannot call this a good movie if it was meant to be feature length all along.

Stupid people make me angry.


Just finished it and thought it was great ,yes it's slow in parts but the acting was not bad for a gaming movie
Also the training stuff was fine I don't mind sitting through it cause I love martial arts movies


I agree, but you also have to remember (assuming you mean the bluray/DVD release) the feature length film includes scenes that were cut from the web series. Hopefully it rounds out the feature film so it does work for that format.

