Question about Joseph

I am no scholar of the Bible - so I'm not real familiar with the story. If it was explained in part 2 - I totally missed it but I wonder how Joseph got to be the King and Dinah's son was his servant (or underling)??



I'm no scholar of the bible either but in the movie they said he was a slave until a man of power (who could have been a pharaoh, I'm not sure) heard of his talent of fortelling the future from dreams and deciphering other people's dreams, and they said that he helped the man decipher his dream and was rewarded with his position of power for it with wealth, power and status.


Oh and Dinahs son was sent away when he was like 8 for 7 years to learn to be a scribe, his mother (the queen, not Dinah) said if he did this he would become a powerful man, and it sounded like he was assigned to Joseph as his scribe, which gave him his power and status, it sounds kinda like an apprentice position or something.


Joseph wasn't a king. He was an adviser to the Pharaoh. I think his official title was vizier. He may have been top administrator/Pharaoh representative in that part of Egypt.

Being so closely associated with the top guy, Joseph had a lot of status and wealth.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Thanks for the answers - that clears it up for me.


In the bible account, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. He became a loved servant in Potiphar's house. That is, until Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph and he resisted. Embarrassed and angry, Potiphar's wife told her husband that Joseph tried to take advantage of her. He was thrown in jail.
During his time in jail, he interpreted the dreams of his jail mates, the baker and the cup bearer. He asked the cup bearer to put in a good word to pharoah when he got out of jail. A while later, the cup bearer remembered and pharoah called Joseph from jail to interpret his dreams.
Because Joseph did so accurately, he saved everyone from hunger by storing up grain. The pharoah made Joseph second in importance only to him.
Later, his brothers came to Egypt to obtain food and found out what happened to Joseph. Joseph was forgiving and told them that what they did was all a part of God's plan.


I'm STILL confused. Wasn't Bar-Shalem the prince of Egypt? So why did Joseph have power over him. I get that since he could interpret their dreams he was promised power and wealth but how does that trump being the Prince. Idk maybe it's not sinking in. But I didn't understand that part.


Because the Queen wasn't really a Queen in Egypt. If I remember correctly, she said she was a princess, the sister of the pharaoh earlier in the film? She was only a queen once she married. So upon her return, she was still respected royalty in Egypt, but not a true queen in her home country. This would mean her grandson would be privileged and granted position/job of honor, but could still work for Joseph. As the royal vizier, Joseph became second in command of Egypt, I believe the only person higher than him was pharaoh himself. So it was an honor for Bar-Shalem to work for Joseph.
