Wasn't feeling this

I just saw it and the attempts at humor made me roll my eyes, and many of the little vignettes could've been cut.

good parts were the kid wearing his dead dad's moustache, the dude giving that girl his mom's laudenum so he could keep boning her, the "book of climaxes", and of course, the derriere song. everything else was pretty weak. I'm not afraid of surrealism, abstract stuff and nonlinearity. I love holy motors, alejandro jodorowsky, roy andersson, etc, but The Forbidden Room was one big instagram filtered meta-ironic hipster turd


Totally agree. Holy Motors is awesome, but this was very tiring and unenjoyable.


This movie is a disaster. We had enough after 10 minutes bur suffered to the end. If you're excited to see this movie I'd recommend painting your wall & watching it dry at least your being more productive.


i mean, have you ppl even seen a guy madden film before???? wtf you expect???


I can't decide whether or not to give this a go. I like Udo but this looks questionable.


This thing is totally a lot of fun. Today's movie goer is going to find it impenetrable, but if you just remember to have fun with it, it's great! Very rewatchable too. If you favorably recall the midnight movies of the 70's and 80's, you're going to love it.


I give this movie 10 out of 10! (in the pretentious nonsense ratings).


Watch it if you like:

- Old films, especially quirky/bad ones. There's film balances between being a satire and a homage to those films, so you should not take the film too seriously, but just try to enjoy the experience

- If you like old mystery and horror, like H.P. Lovecraft, there's a lot in terms of atmosphere and storytelling that reminded me of him

- If you're not afraid of heavy doses of psychedelic effects, absurdity and weird music

- If you like moustaches, flapjacks, and Udo Kier!


I'm a big H.P.Lovecraft fan - I've read everything he wrote - but I did not like this movie, which, if you're perfectly honest, has no connection with Lovecraft at all.


I'm a big H.P.Lovecraft fan - I've read everything he wrote - but I did not like this movie, which, if you're perfectly honest, has no connection with Lovecraft at all.

True, but I wouldn't mind seeing some of his short stories filmed in this fashion. Nyarlathotep, Picture in the House, The Temple, Cool Air or The Hound could be interesting to see.

"In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming".


When all is said and done I wasn't really feeling it either. I enjoyed it at first, but it just kind of got boring after awhile; mostly it just felt like a weak, long, episode of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job. Even the casting at times felt like a Tim and Eric thing, only I think if it was Tim and Eric it would have done that better too.

The visual tricks they're doing are interesting. But then even that doesn't quite work all the time, because much of the time, the movie was so clearly shot with digital camera. I mean, The Forbidden Room is going for this whole aesthetic from older films, it's doing these little film tricks like a hyper version of Grindhouse thats really into silent films, but basically everything looking like it was shot on digital just runs counter to what the movie is trying to do. It's whole incongruous aesthetic is just distracting, and worst, in many cases it's just fûcking ugly.


I made sure to swallow a moderate dose of LSD 2 hours before I watched it.

Excellent experience.


Watched the first 3 min, checked my surroundings to make sure I wasnt hallucinating then deleted and came here to IMDB to doublecheck I was not hallucinating....still not sure
