MovieChat Forums > Bad Grandpa (2013) Discussion > It would have been better if...

It would have been better if...

Bad Grandpa possibly would have been a much better picture had it been made as a straight film. There was enough story line there to completely forego the Jackass angle. As it is film's "pranks" don't blend quite well with regular cinematic narrative. I'm wondering if this was ever planned to be made as a "real" movie?


So you are saying it would have been better had they been just acting and there were no pranks? If that's what you are saying. It would have sucked big time. Half of what makes it funny are the reactions from the people. For example, when he gets his dick stuck in the vending machine the people are pulling out their phones and taking pictures and/or video recording it while laughing. And then he yells out, "Don't announce it to the world, this is embarrassing!!!!" Which makes them laugh louder. What are they going to do in a "straight movie," fake that stuff?


Totally agree. The pranks MADE the movie. At first I was finding it difficult to get into but eventually it was a beautifully blended prank comedy movie. In summary, it would have been worse if they had been just acting and there were no pranks, not better.


The pranks were funny, the story killed it for me.


I enjoyed the story along with the pranks , my favorite part of the movie was Billy's face when Grandpa returned to the pub and said "lets go fishing"


AHHH NO the pranks are what make these films!!!!

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


the narrative was clearly added afterwards in order to stitch the prank scenes together into a framework of a story.


Not really - they had a story from the start but it did continue to evolve as we shot and there fore some scenes were cut - like the Spike J. scenes - but they did not just shoot a bunch of random stuff and figure it out later...


I understand what you're getting at, I think. For me, it was a bit confusing when they tried to combine pranks with realistic (emotional) drama, like when Irving and Billy are talking in the car. I mean that would work if there was someone else in the car who wasn't in on the jokes, but as a stand-alone dialogue, it didn't work for me. The pranks were hilarious though. The folding-bed and the child pageant were my favorites.

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