So the whole premise of this movie is for him to go on a quest throughout the country to purchase every NES game that was made. First thought... Cool! What a great concept! Then as the actual ''quest'' starts, his first stops are at his friends houses, or local video game stores that he has probably visited numerous times. WTF?! Why not stick to the concept, and limit yourself to only finding these games at used video game stores or garage sales, etc.. Instead, we see him go to numerous collectors houses (NO *beep* THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THE RARE GAMES!) or his buddies houses, etc. etc...

Lastly, the scene that made me stop watching the movie was when he was outside talking to the camera, and he blately looks in the camera and says "I'm not going to tell you what I ended up paying for these games" W.....T......F!!!!

Give your audience exactly what you were working with... hint hint.. YOUR BUDGET and HOW MUCH YOU SPENT ON THE GAMES.



That exact scene brought me to imdb. Like what the hell? Why aren't you sharing the prices? Very lame movie


I think he got all the money from Kickstarter and such to do this, maybe he pocketed most the money, not showing prices and all no one would know
