Very refreshing!

This is a nice slice-of-life cartoon, something we haven't really seen since the 90s/early 2000s. That was always my favorite genre and there's a character pretty much any kid will be able to relate to. Bravo to Cartoon Network for picking this up! This is exactly what we need more of. Thoughts?

You got what you wanted but you lost what you had.


I thought the pilot and the first ep were OK, but the 2nd episode, "A Pretty Great Day with a Girl"... that was just plain wonderful. It hit the perfect note, and there were a lot of things going on beneath the surface. I hope the Amy character sticks around.

The writers have a deft understanding of what it's like to be a kid (or maybe a boy) and the things that most of us have mutually experienced. I can't remember all the times I thought "I used to do the exact same thing!" like the mud volcano, like the joy of going out to get fast food, like being too excited to want to leave to pee, like mixing all of your different foods together, and how when you're thirsty there's nothing better than a garden hose.

I agree, very refreshing!

You saw Dingleberries?


I agree; Amy better not move away D:


I thought the pilot and the first ep were OK, but the 2nd episode, "A Pretty Great Day with a Girl"... that was just plain wonderful. It hit the perfect note, and there were a lot of things going on beneath the surface. I hope the Amy character sticks around.

My thoughts exactly. That episode reminded me a lot of what it was like to be a kid, to just get on a bike and ride along the street with a friend while exploring the town you live in. I related more to the Amy character than Clarence, tbh, and I wish I would've known a kid like him when I was that age. But yeah, very cute and refreshing and waaaaay better than Uncle Grandpa and Teen Titans Go.


This show is hilarious and fun. It reminds me of the goofy games and things my brother and I did when were kids. Clarence is a hoot.


I watched it three times and I enjoyed it; it's simply laid back and has a lot of heart. It looks like Cartoon Network has a new hit in its hands!

Are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway? Well, then you need Owl Trowel!


I agree. When I first saw the pilot I was unsure of the entire idea. Then I saw the first episode. I couldn't stop smiling. It was cute and hilarious. Then I saw the second episode. I couldn't stop laughing the entire time. Especially when the kid with the brown curly hair was like, "Sucks to be you". I don't know why but it felt so genuine, like I was really watching kids just have fun. Its taken its place as one of my new favorite shows and I can't wait to see more!


Totally awesome. Strange I find myself loving nearly every new CN cartoon as of lately. I think the whole "slice-of-life" thing describes this one perfectly. And yes, there are things Clarence and her friends do that TOTALLY remind me of what my friends and I would do back as kids. Particularly the scene of Clarence sticking the water hose in his mouth to fill it up, spitting it out when I became too overwhelmed, then sticking it back in his mouth(rinse and repeat). That was me as a kid!! LOL!
