MovieChat Forums > Steven Universe (2013) Discussion > Things You'd Like to See Happen

Things You'd Like to See Happen

Not only in the remainder of Season 2, but Season 3 and maybe beyond.

I'll start


A corrupted Gem is turned back to normal
Pretty self-explanatory. A lot of people think it could or will happen to Centipeedle first, but I'd happy if it was any of them really.

A Gem turns into a monster
It just sounds so interesting and even fascinating. My money's on Jasper(I can even see her as a sabretoothed big cat), though I can also see it happening to Lapis or even Ametyhst, who seem like the kind of people to give into anger, despair, or whatever it that makes Gems turn into monsters.
Come to think of it, an explanation to how that works could be nice too...

A Gem is broken
No going poof and regenerating, but shattered into pieces and killed! Call me dark or sick if you want to, but it would make things oh so interesting.
Besides, it's only a matter of time before it actually happens...

A scene with Mayor Dewey involving an Mystery Science Theater 3000 reference!
(All MYSTies in the house say "HOOOOO!")

The Crystal Gems contend with a secret agent or agency/organization that also wants to protect Earth, but sees ALL Gems as a threat and distrusts them, leading to confrontations and even a three way fight between the CGs, Homeworld, and said agency.

More info about the world outside of Beach City. It's obvious this Earth is not ours, and surely I'm not the only person who'd like to know more.

A song for Lapis

A villain song, preferably sung by Yellow Diamond ()

A "love triangle" between Steven, Connie and Lapis.

The Beach City residents make themselves more useful.

And most of all...Id like to see it become a full length show with a bigger budget...but we all know that'll never happen 


I'd like to see them put out some episodes on time and on a regular schedule.


Reviving this thread thanks to the news they're getting a 4th and 5th season, which means there's now more time for more things to happen


I know this is cliche but I really want Steven to meet his mother.


By the way, wouldn't the love triangle be a parallel to Pearl-Rose-Greg?

Steven is Rose.
Lapis is Pearl, the one that loves him/her, but won't probably be loved back.
Connie is Greg, the human who is in the relationship.

I think it would be a nice connection.

when life give you lemons
Marlene: make the lemon transgender


Backstory, backstory, backstory.

I want to know who/what everyone were pre-rebellion, especially Rose, Pearl, and Lapis. I want to know everything about the war start to finish. I want to know about the other diamonds. I want to know how Lapis was imprisoned in a mirror and by whom.

I want to know more about Rose's pregnancy. Did Greg know having Steven would 'kill' her? Did he agree to that? Did Rose keep it a secret (how did she know it would work or what would happen)? Did the gems know?

Who/what is Lion?!

I would love to see any of that over episodes like Sadie's Song. It's gotten to where I hate filler episodes. :P

As for Lapis x Steven, I don't understand that pairing. Lapis is 5k+ years old, Steven just turned 14.


Seems to be little to no activity from human agencies on the show, especially when ocean water formed a tower into space.

There's an alternate history take on this Earth, I guess, that Stephen Universe's Earth is less populated than ours. How else can there be gem places that humans haven't pillaged? (The other idea is they are shielded from humanity)

I'm wonder when the Gems' enemies will appear, not the bad gems, but the enemy of the entire gem civilization. Since the homeworld gems' M.O. is to seed organic worlds with gems and recreate the worlds to suit them, we have to ask why? Just colonization for the sake of it, but then the Cluster is said to be a weapon...for use against whom? It'll destroy humanity when it's born, so it's not really for use against humans, that's just an intended bonus.

I'd like to know more about Lapis. Did Rose Quartz trap her in the mirror? Possibly because Lapis was powerful but was not part of the rebellion but not quite a hardcore diamond authority loyalist...a dangerous neutral?

How many gems did follow Rose to their shattering end? The battlefield debris in one episode and dialogue from both Greg and Jasper implies it was a significant number.
