MovieChat Forums > Steven Universe (2013) Discussion > "Super Watermelon Island" and "Gem Drill...

"Super Watermelon Island" and "Gem Drill" Discussion

That indeed WAS epic!

Epic fusion battle, we finally get Lapis back, and the opening with the Watermelon community was pretty cute. Also, Steven seems to be gaining astral projection powers (as hinted at in "Chille Tid"...

While many episodes start out upbeat and hopeful, then crap gets real, this time it was opposite. For a while things were real intense--including new info about the Fusion Mutants that makes them even MORE disturbing & tragic--and it looked like it was the end...then Steven manages to save the day by being nice and offering a new solution!  

The shard bubbling each other feel like a bit of DEM, but it's the kind of thing Steven would cause to happen.


I loved the Cluster's design. Very beautiful in a really disturbing way.

If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have


"This isn't working!"
"Then use the D-pad."

Finally, that controller finds some redemption.

They were both good episodes, even if they did end both plot lines a tad abruptly. Granted, we would only be feeling this way due to the hiatus, and there is bound to be some aftermath ASAP. Or maybe I just don't care about cute watermelon shenanigans as much as others.

That being said, I do love that Peridot genuinely cares about Steven and Earth now. And of course, having a Lost reference in SWI is a good way to win me over. Not to mention the end of the Cluster gave off a good End Of Evangelion tone.



Anyone else a little disappointed by both episodes? I mean don't get me wrong; they were good, but I agree with the above poster that it seems like things ended too quickly. There's definitely going to be more, but I wonder where the story is going to lead now.


I think a big part is that we waited so long, and it's already over as opposed to being too rushed. Pacing was a bit hypercharged yeah, but still good.


The cluster felt a little disappointing since we're waiting for it for so long, but it's okay. The emotional scenes between Steven and Peridot saved "Gem Drill" for me.

"Super Watermelon Island" was amazing from the first to the last minute. I think Jasper's gem is broken since they did a good job not showing her face. My guess is that she's gonna get corrupted.


They were both good episodes, even if they did end both plot lines a tad abruptly.

they were good, but I agree with the above poster that it seems like things ended too quickly.

Pacing was a bit hypercharged yeah, but still good.

The female dog of having such a big story with only 11 minutes at a time to tell it...  

And it's obvious by now it's never getting better. Hell, Cartoon Network has all but given up on half hour shows all together 


Not sure we're done with the Cluster or the gem fragments. (Maybe Steven somehow reuniting all the fragments into their whole gems and them over throwing homeworld)

Jasper is still out there or down there somewhere.


I agree. The Cluster isn't done but being held off until it matters. I theorize that Jasper's found it and may be trying to fuze with it...or it's trying to fuze with her...

