MovieChat Forums > Steven Universe (2013) Discussion > "Same Old World" Discussion

"Same Old World" Discussion

D'awww  and awww 

Lapis begins her (long) road to recovery by spending some quality time with Steven, many of us have been longing for. Plus, it's refreshing to know she still likes fart sounds.

As a bonus we got a lot of world building by finally learning more about the world outside Beach City, even confirming my long time suspicions that Empire City is NYC.

We also finally learned how Lapis was put in the mirror...and it's even worse than I ever thought. She was with Homeworld, but she wasn't even there to fight. She's an innocent who got caught in the crossfire. (Also, I think we haven't seen the last of the Gem who poofed her. That figure was too detailed to be a functionary extra...)

Once again mixing joy and sadness while building up the world, an episode that captivate from start to finish.

Should be interesting to see where they go from here...


Hmm...I wonder what the name of that goofy dreadlocked Gem is going to be? Bismuth?



My top so on:
1. Super Watemelon Island
2. Same Old World
3. Gem Drill

Lapis' backstory was extremely interesting, but not complete. We have to see more.


Agreed. Lapis has always been my favorite character, so while I loved the flashback I was a little disappointed that's all there was to it, just 'wrong place, wrong time'. I'd really like to know more about who she was on Homeworld and what happened when she tried to return there.


Sugar has said Lapis is manipulative. I feel like she is deliberately leaving stuff out of her history.


^ You mean Lapis is evil after all 

Ya cut me, Rebecca. Ya cut me real deep 


I don't think she'll betray Steven in particular. But if Homeworld (particularly Blue Diamond) offers to let her come back home with all crimes absolved, I've no doubt she'd turn on Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Peridot without a single thought. She's made it clear she's not their friend and has no intentions of being as such...

Remember, it's not that Lapis doesn't WANT to go home. It's just that she can't. Given the choice, we know what she really wants. She and Peridot differ in this respect. Peridot calls the Crystal Gems her friends and considers herself one (their leader, in fact). Lapis is simply stranded with no where to go. So, she's trying to think of her new prison as a supplementary home.

For all we know, Lapis was originally imprisoned for good reason. Perhaps, during the Rebellion, she wasn't there to visit but was an elite soldier in Blue Diamond's army, sent to use the Earth's most abundant resource against itself. Blue Diamond sent her greatest warrior to wash the Rebellion clean from the planet. I mean, who seriously "visits" a war zone?? Miss Lazuli was there for a reason...



No she didn't, you're misquoting her. She said that manipulation is a big part of Lapis's character. That means she could have been manipulated (well, it's pretty obvious she has been), that she could be manipulative, or both.


In Lapis's flashback, after the homeworld gems leave on the galaxy warp, there's a light in the sky or that what did in most of the Rebels, as Greg said Rose could only use her shield to save only a few close friends.
