MovieChat Forums > Steven Universe (2013) Discussion > Rose could return if Steven dies?

Rose could return if Steven dies?

I heard this theory for the first time the other day. Basically, if Rose is the gem half and Steven's biological half dies leaving only the gem itself that she could reform. What do you think?

Probably nobody's on board with Steven dying, but if this were a possibility it would mean that Rose isn't gone forever.


I think it's very possible for Rose to return once Steven is done living. But, the terminology used for Steven Quartz Universe makes it seem like it's impossible...

Technically speaking, Steven is NOT half-Gem/half-Human like he's often referred. He's all Gem and all human human. Not two halfs that make a whole but more than both. Like a naturally occurring fusion. He's greater than the sum of his parts.

You see, rather than forming a light-based construct to form a body like normal Gems, Steven's body is physical. Organic and alive. But, that doesn't make him any less of a Gem. More like a Gem who's more stable than any we've ever seen.

A Gem's power stems from their own personal experience. Be it a connection to the universe like Garnet, flowing perfectly with everything like Pearl, or just "doing it" like Amethyst. Rose Quartz, in particular, seemed to channel her power through emotion. But, as a Gem, her grasp of emotions wasn't as refined as a truly living being. It's one of the reasons she's so fascinated by humans. She thrives on feeling but humans feel far more in such a short amount of time. Thus, to her, Steven made sense. That way, not only could she reach her true potential but also experience true feelings. By living through Steven, she was able to achieve the perfect fusion.

But what does this mean for Steven? Well, think of him like a "high stakes gamble." He has the potential to become stronger than Rose Quartz ever was as feeling is something that comes naturally to him. Not only does he love like his mother wished she could but he can love like himself. And like his father. And like the Crystal Gems. OR Lapis Lazuli or the Centipeetle or any other. Heck, Steven has powers that his mother couldn't have access to (like fusing with humans, creating sentient plants that can reproduce on their own and possibly healing corrupted gems). BUT, unlike Rose Quartz, Steven's body isn't made of light. Like any Gem, shattering his gem could means instant death. But, as a human, his body doesn't quite "regenerate." We humans can heal but if totally destroyed, we die. Thus, I say "high stakes gamble." He's stronger than Rose or many other Gems could ever be but he's also more vulnerable.

Yet, Steven's also got the potential to live on and on, but possibly with a different life. You see, if Steven's body dies, his gem can still regenerate as Rose Quartz again. And Rose can do the same process she did to get Steven. Sure, it would likely be a different child but regardless, it would be the same result. A living Gem who's stronger and more unique than any we've ever seen.

But, most amazingly, if other Gems learn to love like her, and not form Kindergartens, we could have Gems who are not only stronger but can coexist with organic life. Steven and any other all-Gem/All-Organic Being can live on and on but then "live on" as their gem finds a new being to love and create new life.

