MovieChat Forums > Steven Universe (2013) Discussion > "Too Short to Ride" Discussion

"Too Short to Ride" Discussion

That was interesting...

Ever since "Catch and Release" I've been wondering if Peridot had any powers at all, as all her abilities stemmed from her limb enhancers. Now I get my answer,
and then some! And, as always, she's the very definition of "adorkable" 

Other highlights include Steven shapeshifting some (which we seldom see), learning that things aren't so good on Homeworld, and hints that Mr. Smiley might not be all there. (Though to be fair, he hasn't been the same since he lost Sinbad). Also...some boys just want to watch the world burn...

It oughta be a hoot seeing where they go from here with Peri! 


Peridot showed Mr. Smiley and his rigged game. After he smooshed her hair (i still love how her teeth get sharp when she's mad), I wanted her to kick his butt.

Steven shape-shifting without negative consequences was odd. I cringed at the cat finger. Steven, don't ever do that again.

Peridot has metal powers, but ring toss rings are usually plastic. Hmmm...some thought Steven said mental, but rewatching clips, he said METAL. Not sure how I feel about that. I appreciated that Peridot's greatest skills were technical.

Her info displayed on her pad said "Leader of the Crystal Gems. Stuck in Beach City" Something about kindergarten.

Her affection for the plush alien was cute.


Peridot has metal powers, but ring toss rings are usually plastic. Hmmm...some thought Steven said mental, but rewatching clips, he said METAL. Not sure how I feel about that. I appreciated that Peridot's greatest skills were technical.

I had the same thoughts. I'm not against her having powers though, but I was hoping she would get her limb enhancers back.


I noticed that sinbad wasn't on the cast, too bad : /, but yeah the "little sister" alien was so funny! I bursted out laughing! It is cool seeing peridot getting her talents, and I still want to see if she can fuse! But did anyone else notice that amethyst was kind of giving peridot some good advice and bringing out the good in her, yet she wasn't quite that good with Steven..?


I still can't believe Sinbad for whatever reason couldn't do the Smiley episodes we've had (they switched VAs at Sadie's Song). Still though, at least the character got the line and delivery of the night.


I have nothing much else to add except:

1. The grey alien plushies having Gems was a bit of a cute easter egg. I guess this means that due to the Gems' past appearances on Earth, they've made an impact in both history AND pop culture.

2. The official Peridot twitter that launched after this is the greatest of things.



From a storytelling standpoint, it really was remarkable Peridot got an ability so conclusively but in a long-game way, I'm very glad she did.

The whole Muggle/Batman team member storyline has been done to death and Connie basically already fulfils that role (and even then, Connie's prowess with the sword can't eclipse Peridot's versatility as a Gem) that I would've hated having to sit through any number of episodes focusing on a Peridot moping she can't improve on the team.

Besides, people seem to be overlooking that Peridot is already a 'nerfed' or limited team member being that Rose's Rebellion caused a resource fallout that has directly impacted her. Peridot isn't a mistake like Amethyst, left in the oven too long by a forgotten baker; Peridot is deliberately watered down juice, done to ensure there's enough for everyone to drink. Peridot has spent the larger portion of her life as the Batman of Gems (or rather Iron Man as it was) without any of the privilege of this and burdened by the knowledge her limb enhancers admit her to a game she both didn't ask to play in, can't back out of and was woefully unfit for in the first place as an immediate result of a game someone else started long ago.

How that history informs her character and current power is a lot more interesting then a Sokka arc about finding other ways to be useful and owning your okay-ness.
