MovieChat Forums > Steven Universe (2013) Discussion > Alone At Sea (Discussion)

Alone At Sea (Discussion)

Well, crap in a hat.

I should note that I don't watch clips/previews, so tonight's reunion of sorts caught me off guard. I honestly thought You-Know-Who would come back in a fused form with the Cluster. Jasper returned sooner than expected, perhaps a bit too soon, but still as deranged/bugnuts as ever.

Lapis undergoing a bit of Stockholm syndrome was another surprise, perhaps resolved a bit too quickly, but her reasons were explained well enough. Like last night, this episode does wrap up a bit too fine and quick (OH NO! THE BIG BAD IS BACK and... oh, never mind, she's a fly to be swatted), but this is an 11-minute show, after all. Plus, I like how crazy unpredictably powerful Lapis is becoming.

As for Greg's ocean jokes, I found them to be too... waterlogged. Eyyyyyyyyyyyy



This was a good episode. Japser was still as crazy as ever, and I like how Steven Universe isn't afraid to be dark.


Lapis has had Stockholm Syndrome since she blamed the Crystal Gems for her fate instead of Homeworld.

Speaking of which, this episode did a lot of make it clear Lapis was leaving things out of her story in Same Old World. With all the Gem-centric titles coming up, I wonder if we'll have time to return to Jasper's cryptic words or maybe they're saving the Lapis mystery stuff for much later down the track?

Either way, this was a fantastic episode if only for daring to explore the deep and unsettling relationship themes.


It was awesome seeing Lapis happy for a while, and I think she made some good progress 

However...this hints that, as some have speculated, her flashback from "Same Old World" might not be entirely truthful and she not really an innocent who got caught in the crossfire...
Even her line about not wanting to be in charge makes me suspicious! What if she was actually an officer during the Gem War (under Blue Diamond?) and things went bad 

I imagine the people who've said Jasper will turn eventually good and join the CGs are fairly happy with this since the seeds were planted (is EVERY antagonist on this show going to turn good sooner or later (besides Marty and Kevin)?!). Worse, the "Japis" faction just got fresh fuel for their ship (talk about ironic!)

I also now get the feeling that Greg's gonna lose those millions a lot sooner than I though...

OH NO! THE BIG BAD IS BACK and... oh, never mind, she's a fly to be swatted

Looks like Jasper's blasting off AGAAAAAIIIIINNNN!!


I felt worse for Greg than anyone else in the episode.

Why didn't appear he appear until Jasper was gone...or was he staying out of the way on purpose? I find it hard to believe he wouldn't have been concerned for Steven after Jasper knocks him around.

I think the producers/creators have said Jasper won't be redeemed.


I may be reading too much into it, but I was a little disturbed by this episode. First, Lapis admitting to Steven that she missed Jasper, but then later when she's talking to Jasper it sounded like she just missed having a target for her rage. Then Jasper literally begging Lapis to fuse with her. I get that it's a power trip for her, but still.

It seemed like more of an abusive relationship than Stockholm Syndrome to me (especially since both gems have been in the position of captor and captive), but I suppose Malachite's meant to be the antithesis of Garnet.

Given some of the comments made in the episode, I'm wondering if Lapis has always had destructive tendencies.

