MovieChat Forums > Steven Universe (2013) Discussion > Greg The Babysitter (Discussion)

Greg The Babysitter (Discussion)

Ah, baby Sour Cream.... you are the smuggest infant imaginable.

Best Greg Universe Song Yet.... Why doesn't this show have an official soundtrack to purchase yet?!?

Nice to see young snarky Vidalia again, I was kinda disappointed to see her as a perfectly content-but-bland mom in 'Onion Visit'. Sorry, but when you've got a hairstyle like that, you've got have a good sense of smug to go with it.

Also dug this one, a welcome bit of levity after last night's emotional washout. Eyyyyyyyy We get another explanation as to why Rose loves us Puny Mortals so much, and Greg's baby steps to somewhat-maturity. Also, kind of a relief to see Rose showing some flaws, as a poor baby-watcher. She's admirably pure of heart, but I'm glad she's not perfect.



Always a pleasure, Rose! 

After two dramatic, gut wrenching episodes in a row, this the kind of lighthearted, but still relevant episode we needed.

Loved the montage near the beginning that helped give Greg & Rose's relationship some much needed depth. Loved that Sour Cream has been chillaxed since birth, made even better than the Baby version was still voiced by Brian Posehn . Dug that we got some more insight on why Rose likes humans so much, and some references to what to the past we've seen before.

Though I have one concern...if business at the car wash is so has it been in business so long  (though no wonder Greg was so broke)

Also...Vidalia's a cool gal, Sour Cream turned out okay, but why is Onion such a vile Hellspawn? 


Is it slow all the time? Considering the town is close to a salt water ocean, I'd guess that people get the automatic wash now and then to avoid corrosion. And during winter, to wash off the road salt.

I laughed at Vidalia's "That wasn't relevant to my question".

Greg just hanging around for his "magic space goddess" to arrive like a dog waiting for its owner...then a starving dog. He could've asked the gems to bring him back some giant strawberries to eat. LOL.


Gosh this episode was cute, and I'm really glad they acknowledged the Oedipal undertones that would go hand in hand with dating a woman like Rose.

Letting those elements of realism penetrate the space goddess fantasy of Rose and Greg's romance was also a neat touch. Greg may have decided Rose was everything he wanted way back in Story for Steven, but the fallout of making that decision was something he clearly didn't consider. This isn't like Sapphire and Ruby throwing everything away for each other in bold and uncharted territory; Greg has needs that have to be considered, and expecting Rose to fulfil them is not a balanced ground for a healthy relationship. In that same way, Rose shouldn't be held accountable for Greg failing to get his life together because as the episode spells out for us when Rose catches Greg in the ferris wheel cart, Rose is not Greg's mother.
