Bismuth (Discussion)

*blasted PVR only recorded the first half. Guess it wasn't used to the idea of a CN program being over 11 minutes. Oh well, thank goodness for torrents!*

Amethyst, you've already ruined egg salad... please don't ruin pizza for us as well.

For the series' first half-hour tale, it could have used some tighter pacing. Most of the first half was pretty much Garnet and Pearl going 'oh, what wonderful times we had!'. But the second part made up for it. Steven's getting pushed to his moral limits, and we learn of an actual sin by Rose.

I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Bismuth, she's bound to be released by the time the Diamonds make their move. We don't know the full truth as to why Garnet and Pearl had never mentioned Bismuth before earlier. For me, it's a toss-up between being too upset to talk about fallen comrades.... or some mental manipulation by Rose.

Man... if Steven ends up meeting his mother is some afterlife/dream/alt reality by series' end... she has some explaining to do. Plus, this whole reincarnation biz is making him a target.)

So yeah, mostly worth the hype. But a shaky rough start for expanded storytelling.



I was okay with the pacing. Bismuth needed some presence for her return and reveal to have impact.

Pearl and especially Garnet rarely share anything and Steven rarely asks the right questions. Rose gets flack for having secrets, but they've kept Steven in the dark about a lot of stuff.

Overall, it was mostly predictable. We knew Rose bubbled that gem inside lion's mane and for a reason and it turned out of the most obvious one, that Bismuth was a Crystal Gem who became an unmanageable threat to Rose. What surprised me in the ep was maybe how well Bismuth seemed to bond with everyone for awhile...until her paranoia about Steven being Rose did her in. Had she not brought up the weapon that got her bubbled the first time, she'd still be free. (Is it me, or do Gems get obsessed easily?)

Why didn't Pearl or Garnet wonder why Bismuth was in lion's mane? Pearl was too happy to have her back, but even a happy Garnet should've been curious. Lion after all, was a big mystery to everyone.

Cartoon Network's silly happy announcer saying "A whole new member of the team!" didn't fool me.

I don't know what the trope is called, but with the old tv plot about an "old friend" comes back to town, the friend usually turns out to be trouble or brings trouble with them and always is gone again by the end. (Like Marty and his Guacola).


Okay...apparently making SU half an hour wouldn't solve all it's problems after all. Still helps to give characters and the story some extra depth.

From "We Need to Talk"

Greg: I barely know you!

Rose: That's a good thing...

Ever since that moment I've suspected that Rose isn't truly the saint Greg and the CGs make her out to be. TBH, I thought it was that she helped conquer and destroy worlds and felt bad about it. This episode further debunks that (and that she was Pink Diamond), but it DOES tell us she did something bad, even if it was for what she thought was a good reason.

As for Bismuth, she was a fascinating creature. At first I really liked her, then it became clear she wasn't truly good, putting strength and victory over morals. I also find it disturbing that Steven was almost shattered by a Crystal Gem of all people. I also can't shake the feeling we haven't heard the last of the Breaking Point either...

I just hope she does return someday for redemption...and more half-hour episodes...


I thought it was that she helped conquer and destroy worlds and felt bad about it. This episode further debunks that (and that she was Pink Diamond)

I liked the episode, but I have to admit because of these two points I felt like it was constructed purposefully to put some fan theories to rest.

I wonder who Snowflake is/was, especially since the only gem I know with that name is Snowflake Obsidian.

Initially, I thought Bismuth could've been reasoned with, but then I remembered none of the Crystal Gems have ever been welcoming of Homeworld gems. Steven's single-handedly had to protect both Lapis and Peridot from the others. It's like if you weren't part of the rebellion then there's no hope for you.


I thought it was a good episode, but had a few things lagging. An encounter with Lapis would have been interesting (it seemed like a Bismuth was the one that shattered her, so I wonder if it was this one). Plus it may have revealed a bit more about Lapis. I wish Peridot could have met Bismuth as well. The dialoge between the two would have been awesome. Also, maybe Bismuth could have given her something to replace some of the mechanics she lost (like a helocopter blades to fly). It's a shame Peridot wasn't in this episode. After all, she is the leader of the Crystal Gems according to her social media page. LOL!!!

Biscuit Coming in Hot!


This episode had the dreamiest title shot in the history of the show.


It was pretty clever that they marketed Bismuth as a new member of the group but in actuality she was really a threat who's ideologies clashed with Rose Quartz.


I really thought they would actually take on Bismuth as a new team member; that the show would acknowledge that they were fighting a war and needed whatever resources they could secure. But if they had to invoke the Status Quo is God, at least it made sense within the show's continuity. I also found it a bit jarring that they made the show's second overtly black character so apelike. Was that really necessary?

Never say "Worst movie ever" to someone who's seen Highlander 2


I didn't think Bismuth was overtly human....

It's's always bloody Bara!


A bipedal manatee with gummy worms for hair.


Whoopi Goldberg?

It's's always bloody Bara!


My favorite part of the episode is all the implications about Rose. I appreciate that the more we retrospectively learn about Rose the less perfect she seems. Especially in this episode where the implication is that Rose bubbled Bismuth not just out of principle in regards to life but also because Bismuth could have posed a direct threat to her role as leader.

I also like how shady Rose comes across in this episode. Like how Garnet and Pearl automatically assume Rose just forgot about Bismuth but in reality she was stored in Lion's mane next to one of Greg's T-shirt and the VHS meaning she was last there at least 14 years prior, while she knew she was going to die and yet still didn't tell the others. And that even on her deathbed she wouldn't tell the others probably because she didn't want to deal with the consequences of the others being mad for leaving their friend trapped for 5000 years and instead left Bismuth for her son to just stumble upon in god knows how much longer. I'm liking this colder more manipulative Rose.
