Eva's family

Does anyone else find Eva's family EXTREMELY annoying?!...especially her brothers. I'm not crazy about her boyfriend, Jonathan, but damn they were so rude to him when she first brought him home. I get that some families are really into the tradition thing and ask for their family's blessing before marriage but something about her family irks the *beep* out of me. Her brothers try and act all hard and are weirdly protective over her. Sorry, just had to get that out lol.


Everything about Eva Marie is irritating.


They seem low class


I really disliked how they tried to pressure her husband to change religions. I know that the show is scripted but that storyline was really stupid and bad.


I just made a post about a seen when she was on the phone with her dad. It really weirded me out. And what is with the parents allowing the sons to be so hypocritical towards Eva Marie? Like they're allowed to chew her out for not having a Catholic wedding m, yet they're allowed to have live-in girlfriends...?
