nikki and john...

I watching an episode now and it opens up with Nikki getting some sort of Spanish lesson. John comes over, Nikki says a few things in Spanish.. one of then is kiss me, and she even makes kissy lips. John stands there like a statue. Doesn't kiss her or even crack a freaken smile. Thats was kinda harsh... ouch... he eventually leans down and kisses her on the top of her head. But wow, the look on his face was pretty much shut up n leave me already alone. Lol


Yeah I just wish he'd break up already. They have got to only be together for the show and sex.


I honesty think a huge reason they are still together is because Nikki feels she has something to prove now. She's gotten in so many arguments with her siblings over the whole marriage and kids things that I think she kinda views it as a challenge because she thinks she can convince John to agree to those things



They are just so awkward around each other. I'm not the only one who see's it, right?


I don't watch this all the time but last night's ep had me thinking he is getting pretty sick of her.
And after his last divorce I bet he does not want to immerse himself in another expensive debacle with a woman.


Right? And John Cena is not a good actor. He just seems so uncomfortable around her and she seems like she's really trying to sell their relationship.


I think their relationship is 60% her trying to latch unto his status as a top wwe star to advance her own brand.

"Honestly, who's gonna compete against me? Fork girl? Lizard lady? Ha ha ha!"
—Pacifica Northwest


He talks down to her like she's a child. Their relationship has always seemed weird to me.
