Primal Fear?Anyone?


The ending instantly reminded me of "Primal Fear" featuring Richard Gere and Edward Norton. That was the film which Norton shone.For me it just lost the orginality of plot.What do you think about this?


This movie is Fight club and the Usual suspects combined


My thoughts exactly - I was just about to write a comment about that...


I think the filmmaker hinted at that by showing a 'Fight Club' poster in Benjamin's bedroom. It was, of course, a red herring.


FYI putting a subject line that is itself a spoiler is idiotic.

But thanks anyway for the -Spoiler- tag within your actual post :P


Idk how to describe actual post otherwise :P

But i think you are right couldnt think of it sorry.


Just "This movie reminds me of...(spoilers)".

This way, you can avoid having big bad spoilers shining like a light in the main IMDB page for the movie in the active threads section for everyone to see, prospective viewers included, while luring in the people who aren't afraid of spoilers because they've already seen the movie -and, by definition, are the only ones who can actually reflect upon your thoughts about this movie being like that one and such.
