MovieChat Forums > The Jungle Book (2016) Discussion > I've never seen so many haters.

I've never seen so many haters.

I mean OMG!!!! Can you people not enjoy the movie for what it is? All I've been seeing is "durr kid isn't a good actor, durr voices don't sound good, durr why is there singing durr?" First of all I believe this was the kid's first movie and not only that he had to act like the animals were there and he was very good at it so cut him some slack. Second yes I do agree Bill Murray was an odd choice for Baloo,but this baloo is very different from the original one and bill's voice did work for him in this and also everyone else did a great job especially Walken as King Louie. 3rd there was singing as a nod to the original Jungle book and again it did feel a little odd because this did seem a lot more serious and darker than the original but I was fine with it. The movie was not at all flawless but you guys are acting like it's the worst Disney live action remake. That actually goes to Maleficent and Alice in Wonderland.


I watched a version first that didn't have Baloo singing and it wasn't as good (I actually made a comment somewhere else in the messageboard about it) and after seeing the full version with the song in it, it makes Baloo seem what he is - a big lazy goofy bear and puts some fun into the movie - like Baloo is meant to do!

I don't care about the "Haters" I liked this AND I liked Cinderella, Maleficient, Alice In Wonderland and all the others so I guess I'm just a big kid at heart! Lol


You can simply ignore them.


Absolutely. That's why there's an ignore feature. Why bother reading such foolishness?


I thought it was fabulous. Haters just love to hate.


Just a bunch of pathetic man-children (or man-cubs) who dont like having their precious childhood memories recreated for a new audience..they seem to forget the basic fact this was made for their children, not themselves. No matter how good this film was they would've hated it, haters will's such a shame for them they couldnt put their pettiness aside and appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship of this film.


you must be 5 years old.



the kid was undoubtedly a bad actor... by child acting standards was he the worst ever?? no! but was he good, believable or talented? hell no..

he had two faces

-scared/blank stare, which were the exact same. stone faced and wide eyed

-laugh talking- where he smiles and laughs as he talks...

that was his entire range. please dont make excuses of "oh it was all infront of a green screen"

you have kids/young actors doing voices for animated stuff..and they have no set and no fake props to work off of.. nothing


Well I'd like to see you do better in front of a green screen.
