Missing scenes?

Episode 3.

Arthur is going to do the radio play, he persuades Michael to house-sit for him as he's expecting a delivery of a sofa.
We see Michael arriving at the house and there's a little scene about the front door sticking and the old sofa not being there.
So obviously there's going to be a whole joke about a door that won't open properly and a huge sofa that needs to go through it.
There's another small scene later with Sinem struggling with the door, so we're building up the expectation.
The next scene back at the house is Michael sitting on the new sofa and being joined by Sinem.

In the middle of all that there's a shot of Michael precariously standing on a couple of plastic tubs to reach the top of a cupboard, the camera makes a point of showing them as it pans the shot.
When you next see Michael, he's limping along the hallway towards the basement door.
The limp obviously implies that he fell off the tubs but we didn't see that scene either.

What happened? Where did these scenes go? If anyone finds them, could they get in touch with Arthur, he's on the Ilfracombe.

I was walking down the skyway my way...
