FOX Replaces Voice of Golan

I was so excited to see this jump to FOX's Sunday night lineup, but my excitement was just extinguished when I read they replaced the voice actor for both Golan and Dylan. Golan's voice was perfect. It's one the the reason the show was successful, but I guess executives behind the camera are too scared to try an unknown actor's voice. Too bad, because I probably won't watch now. It's just been "commercialized" too much.


Completely agree. Just found out today it was a 30 min series. Their voices are what make them great. I can imagine there might be other changes from the 15 min show.


The new voices just ruined it, and apparently Dylan doesn't have a dad anymore. I couldn't watch more than 10 minutes before turning it off.


Yea I tried to get through the whole episode but just couldn't. Riggle and Plaza just don't do the characters justice. That and the story is completely twisted up.

I hope people who are just now seeing this and like it, go back and watch the original.


I think I like the new voices (especially Golan's) more. I had seen this only once or twice several months ago and when the new series started I couldn't really remember what the old voices sounded like, however they had a couple of the shorts as reruns last night and after watching I believe that Riggle and Plaza bring more personality into the characers. While Dylan's original voice was not much different I couldn't get past the fact that the original Golan sounded a bit like Homer Simpson mixed with Yoda.

were dans la maison


I couldn't really remember what the old voices sounded like

You should really go back and watch all the older episodes before you form an opinion.

I was excited that the show was coming back and I will continue to watch it, but after seeing (well, hearing) the newer voices (and toned down for prime time show) I was a bit disappointed.


Thats the point, I didn't post any opinions about the voices UNTIL I caught a rerun of the first series and heard the old ones. I still find the new voices superior to the old ones, especially for Golan.

were dans la maison


Not only are the voices not as good, but the writing is a lot different too. It is a lot more broad and cheap jokes imo.


Seems like they had to tone it down a lot for prime time.

The original voices are what won me over in the first place. They were perfect for the characters. Just seems like a waste of money to pay Riggle and Plaza to do this. They are worse and more expensive (and it sounds like Plaza is trying to be the original....which again, it's silly to pay for that when you already had that for much cheaper).


I am watching this cartoon online. I LOVE it. Season 1 seemed to be 10-15 minutes long. I just started Season 2 which had a thirty minute episode where Golan was summoned by Dylan. My daughter and I laughed all the way through.

At what point will it start becoming dull?

But, my God, it's so beautiful when the boy smiles


While I don't hate the new choices (Rob Riggle & Aubrey Plaza), there was absolutely nothing wrong with the previous voice actors. Actually, their voices were perfect for the roles.

On the bright side, I did not know this was picked back up and rebooted. So I am glad there are new (half hour) episodes.


This new voices are terrible and the style of the show has gone from dark to goofy. I don't like it at all.
