Judge Papadoumian ?

We've first heard her mentioned in BB Season 5; and we have heard her mentioned several times now in BCS, but we have yet to see her. I went & checked the cast list for all the episodes that had a scene with a female judge (S03E03, S05E03, & S05E04), but we have not actually seen this character.......yet.

Anyone think we'll finally see her in Season 6? Lalo & Nacho were started as just a throwaway line in BB that turned into pivitol characters in BCS.

The only thing I could find on a search

Judge Papadoumian is a Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court judge who has been mentioned several times but not seen on screen in the Breaking Bad universe so far.


Better Call Saul

Kim Wexler goes into the county courthouse in an attempt to find a pro-bono case that piques her interest. She asks a bailiff about the court's schedule and he mentions that Papadoumian has settlement conferences all morning. ("Talk" S04E04)

While at the dedication ceremony of Charles McGill Law Library, Jimmy discusses a plan with Kim to get the legal community to notice his good deeds before his appeal of failed reinstatement hearing. He perhaps jokingly suggests rescuing Judge Papadoumian from a burning office. ("Winner" S04E10)

Judge Papadoumian presided over a case involving two prostitutes that Saul Goodman represented. ("Wexler v. Goodman" S05E06)

Breaking Bad

Mike Ehrmantraut is being continuously tailed by DEA Agents Hank Schrader and Steven Gomez, who believe he is a missing link to connect Gus Fring and "Heisenberg". Eventually they bring him into their office and interrogate him, however Saul Goodman sits in with his client and informs the DEA agents that he got Judge Papdoumian to issue an ex parte temporary restraining order on the two to stop stalking Mike. When Hank makes a snarky remark about the eclectic color scheme of Saul's suits, Saul responds that Papdoumian likes them. Later, Hank and Gomez are sitting in Hank's office discussing the matter, and Gomez says she is "like Ho Chi Minh," implying the overly liberal nature of her rulings. ("Buyout" S05E06)

EDIT: the original "writing" for this article was a little.....shall we say, clunky & made quite a few errors, especially the part about the Saul/Hank-Gomez confrontation so I corrected them.😎






