Just plain bad

They go from, "we only have enough water for 3-4 days tops so we need to thin the herd of the weaker injured people, so us healthy folks can live a little longer". Ok, but directly after deciding this they spend the next several days swimming a mile back and forth each way from that island to another small island playing rambo trying to get each other. All the while wasting incredible amounts strength and fluids in the process of doing so.

The last 30-40 minutes had hardly any coherence at all as the viewer is left watching various characters running about without knowing quite what their motives were or who was on who's side. The one kid changed his loyalty with the wind direction. It makes it hard to follow or more like hard to even want to follow. I do not recommend parting with your funds for the right to legally watch this.

As for the ending, well let's just say if you've seen one of these kind of films then you can probably see it coming before hitting play.


Actually, I thought the ending was a bit of a surprise. I can't believe the "good guys" left him there on the island. That wasn't cool at all.


Well, he did run away. And to be honest, I don't think he would of left with them. He was really out of it, he probably would of killed the pilot just so they can all be stuck on the island together.

Knowing him, he will find a way off the island and finish his friend off. That guy was so crazy.


He could have been restrained and knocked out. Then they could have taken him back and gotten him help.


That Heli Pilot gets my nod for WORST ACTOR EVER


his own bloody fault for running off when the rescue helicopter arrived. Who and why would you do that anyway?. Stupid


It would have been a very awkward ride back in that helicopter


Haha! So true.



"what happens in Paradise stays in paradise right guys?...eh?..am i right..? yyyyeah this is awkward as **** lets keep all this between us. and dont look at me."


Yes, extremely stupid and unrealistic ending.

Hoping to see the Denver Broncos in SB 50


LOL i totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!! the dude had obviously lost his effing mind. which is totally completely normal, and forgivable in my opinion. who really knows if those were his true colors or not? he lost his entire family in a plane crash, lost his brother who even survived the crash but not after (traumatc enough) and then his good friends start dying. he feels like he has to be somewhat in charge....and realizes he cant do anything about it...and he snaps because hes stuck on an island with little food or water, and he had to kill his own friend to put that poor soul out of his misery after he lost his legs. hmm.. yeah id say thats enough to make you lose your bloody mind and go rambo on people's asses. they should have tried to convince him to get on the helicopter and he could have gotten mega therapy for PTSD when he returned home. and if he didnt wanna go, or attacked them, lol they could have left him or knocked him out. they had a whole crew and rescue team to help deal with him---but to say he wasnt there, that was cruel. I get they were basically saying "hes not there because he lost his mind and our friend is no longer our friend mentally, and tried to kill us soooo eff him and leave him" but come on....realistically, this guy needed help not to be left there. even if he thought he wanted to stay.

he made me angry but his side kicks made me angrier because they hadnt quite lost it like he did. they were actually just showing their true colors from being hungry, thirsty, scared, frustrated, and they turned into real selfish d**** but still hadnt lost it. Arnie, the guy who tried to rape the girl I guess maybe sort of lost if it there, but not completely because when he realized he knocked her the eff out, he did not continue to attempt rape. he was like oh shi*....but again, showed his true colors by not really being uspet about it and immediately blaming someone else and was ready to kill other people just like a**hole nuber 2. But arguably he could have lost it as well to a certain degree but he was sort of being a dick and selfish from day 1. But Ande got to a point where (i think it was after he was scream sobbing) that his numbness turned into pain, turned into rage, and then he snapped. ya dont leave the ONLY ONE WHO SNAPS THAT BAD on the island guys lol. gosh. and its also not realistic that he would have been the only one. I guess Connie also snapped but he committed suicide instead of turning psycho killer.
