MovieChat Forums > The Honourable Woman (2014) Discussion > Why did Ephra agree to the wiretap?

Why did Ephra agree to the wiretap?

Why did Ephra agree with Israel's plan to wiretap phone calls coming in and from Palestine?

Was it his atonement for paying a ransom to a radical Palestine group in exchange for the captured Israeli soldier's freedom? Was Israel's support to the Stein Foundation really necessary that Ephra would be willing to do anything just to get back Israel's support?


I thought it was explained that he was blackmailed to agree, in order to protect his sister.


Protect his sister from her kidnappers?


No. To get Mossad or some Israeli special forces to rescue both the captured soldier AND his sister.


But it was the Americans who rescued his sister.


Nope, it was the Israelis.


Possibly, both Israelis and the Americans rescued Nessa and Atika. After all, Ephra did talk to Monica and she promised to rescue his sister if he quits the Stein Foundation and let Nessa head it.


The Americans would not do a raid in Gaza to extract a British-Israeli citizen and Palestinian. That makes no sense. Israel rescued them in exchange for the tapped wire. Monica was British, not American.

Higgins was right.


The Americans were surely involved. That was an American accent on the soldier when they came to rescue Nessa and Atika.
The kidnapping opened a door for the US and Israel to develop a surveillance organization within Palestine using the Steins fiber optic project.
That was the exchange for the rescue of Nessa.
Chatwin is ostensibly Mi6, but stationed in the DC field office. She is almost surely working for the CIA.
The series if pretty careful so far not to implicate the US but they sure don't make Mi6 look too good.
I have not gotten to the part where Chatwin is killed but I assume that would be to protect information she was working with the US and Israel behind her governments back.
The wire tap at the phone station, the spy room in the university: That is CIA/Mossad arranged.
The US has no interest in a Palestinian state unless they control everything. That deal had to be: the contract to lay the wires in exchange for control over any government installed in Palestine. That's why they fed Nessa false information about Shlomo. The US wants the deal to go to El Amin.
I assume Kassim's kidnappers are also CIA/Mossad.


Spoiler spoiler spoiler!!: He never had to rescue her tho, she had already been promised to be released after the baby was delivered.. Ephra didnt know about this tho. And even the baby was planned by the kidnappers to begin with - they wanted her to be sent back home to use in a bigger scheme. So Ephra only *beep* everything up really..
