Pro-Israel junk

LOL. Israel is nothing but a theocratic racist rogue state that was founded by terrorists and only enjoys patronage due to plenty of it's apologists infiltrating the US government. Without it's annual infusion of over 3 Billion in aid, it would cease to exist. Amused at this propaganda which insinuates that The US and Palestine(?!!) were working together as the villains of the storyline. Yes - THAT US which has vetoed every UN resolution which favored Palestine. Which fever dream did the writers of this malarky think THAT scenario up? Oh, and as Obama himself said, you can put as much lipstick you want on a pig ... it' still a pig!


Let me understand this, are you suggesting that the Holocaust wasn't real either? Where would you have all of the Jewish people go? Or is that, conveniently, not your problem? What has to happen for people like you to understand that unless we can all help each other and all live together in peace there is no hope for any of us.


